Developing an Interactive Character having an Artificial Emotion for a Smart Phone
함준석 Jun Seok Ham , 여지혜 Ji Hye Yeo , 박성호 Sung Ho Park , 고일주 Il Ju Ko |
KJSES 14(4) 483-494, 2011 |
This paper purposes to develop an artificial emotion reflecting emotional features contains situations, time, and characteristics, also to develop an interactive character having this artificial emotion with a smart phone. The artificial emotion has an Emotion Module and Drive Module for expressing emotion according to external emotional stimulus and internal drive. The Emotion Module administrates emotions according to time, characteristic, interrelation between different emotions. The Drive Module controls sensitivities of emotion according to changing drives over long time. Also due to defence mechanism for expressing emotions, emotions are processed by two pathways: The first pathway which is affected by the Emotion Module and the Drive Module, and the second pathway that is not to be done. We developed an interactive character having the artificial emotion with this structure using smart phone. And we simulated the artificial emotion what differences there are according to situations, characteristic, and time under same input conditions. The result of this paper has meanings developing the interactive character having the artificial emotion actually, and making it possible to personalize an artificial emotion with expressing the artificial emotion using smart phone.
keyword : 인공정서, 스마트폰, 인터랙티브 캐릭터, Artificial Emotion, Smart phone, Interactive Character
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Luminescence effects of POF-based Flexible Textile by post-treated Optic illuminate
양은경 Eun Kyung Yang , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee |
KJSES 14(4) 495-502, 2011 |
The plastic optical fiber has been previously known to have the limits in fabrication and care, due to its lack of flexibility and durability. Recently, an innovative technology of ``water-resistant & flexible optical fiber``, in which the surface of etched POF(i.e., plastic optical fiber) is to be coated with a type of synthetic resin, has been developed. In this study, the post-treated POF-based flexible textiles were evaluated in terms of luminance, physical visibility and perceived visibility, according to the fabric lengths and colors of the light source. The POF-based flexible textile with 10㎝fabric length and green light source appeared to show relatively higher illuminating effects. The maximum distance for perceived visibility of the POF-based flexible textiles was found to be 100m. Therefore, the results of this study are expected to be utilized as a fundamental for the further studies to develop the digital color clothing with application of POF-based flexible textile.
keyword : 광섬유, 유연 광섬유 직물, 스마트 포토닉 의류, 디지털 컬러 의류, 발광 효과, plastic optical fiber, POF-based flexible textile, smart photonic clothing, digital color clothing, illuminating effect
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Difference of Autonomic Nervous System Responses among Boredom, Pain, and Surprise
장은혜 Eun Hye Jang , 음영지 Yeong Ji Eum , 박병준 Byoung Jun Park , 김상협 Sang Hyeob Kim , 손진훈 Jin Hun Sohn |
KJSES 14(4) 503-512, 2011 |
Recently in HCI research, emotion recognition is one of the core processes to implement emotional intelligence. There are many studies using bio signals in order to recognize human emotions, but it has been done merely for the basic emotions and very few exists for the other emotions. The purpose of present study is to confirm the difference of autonomic nervous system (ANS) response in three emotions (boredom, pain, and surprise). There were totally 217 of participants (male 96, female 121), we presented audio-visual stimulus to induce boredom and surprise, and pressure by using the sphygmomanometer for pain. During presented emotional stimuli, we measured electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (SKT), electrocardiac activity (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), besides; we required them to classify their present emotion and its intensity according to the emotion assessment scale. As the results of emotional stimulus evaluation, emotional stimulus which we used was shown to mean 92.5% of relevance and 5.43 of efficiency; this inferred that each emotional stimulus caused its own emotion quite effectively. When we analyzed the results of the ANS response which had been measured, we ascertained the significant difference between the baseline and emotional state on skin conductance response, SKT, heart rate, low frequency and blood volume pulse amplitude. In addition, the ANS response caused by each emotion had significant differences among the emotions. These results can probably be able to use to extend the emotion theory and develop the algorithm in recognition of three kinds of emotions (boredom, surprise, and pain) by response measurement indicators and be used to make applications for differentiating various human emotions in computer system.
keyword : 무료함, 통증, 놀람, 자율신경계 반응, boredom, pain, surprise, autonomic nervous system response
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The Effects of Emotional Sensibilities Using MTBL Approach in a College-Level Liberal Arts Class
김은진 Eun Jin Kim , 강인애 In Ae Kang |
KJSES 14(4) 513-524, 2011 |
Digital Technology actively utilized in all spheres by rapid changes in information and knowledge demands transformations not only in the sociocultural and educational spheres but also specifically in the field of arts education. Digital Technology becomes a challenging factor for the field of arts education. In this study purposed a new teaching-learning approach method in arts education, called "Music Technology-Based Learning"(hereafter, MTBL), which is to, first, take interdisciplinary approaches combining various subjects in the field of arts education. In the case study was conducted to examine the educational effects of the MTBL approach to the liberal arts course in university: mind maps derived from 2 sessions (pre-class and post-class), evaluation sheets regarding self-directed learning and in-depth interviews with ten voluntary learners after the class were used as methods fordata collection. The result of case study shows positive changes in the terms of the degrees of emotional sensibilities of the learners. Moreover, the research confirmed the potential of MTBL as a new teaching and learning methodology in art education.
keyword : 음악 테크놀로지, 음악 테크놀로지 기반 학습, 감성의 활성화, 감성교육, music technology, music technology-base Learning, emotional sensibility, emotional education
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Design and fabrication of paper microfluidic channel
이정현 Jung Hyun Lee , 황유선 Yoo Sun Hwang , 정효일 Hyo Il Jung |
KJSES 14(4) 525-530, 2011 |
Emotion is composed of various feelings such as pleasure, sorrow, comfortability, and so on. The complicated process of the measurement has long been recognized as a major hindrance for the studies of emotion. Previously, individuals` emotion has mainly been measured by means of self-report, interview, EEG (electroencephalogram), ECG (electrocardiogram), EOG (electroculography), and body temperature. With thanks to nano/micro technologies, the possibility in the development of emotion-on-a-chip (EOC) has begun to be proposed. EOC will make it possible to analyze one`s psychological status by taking a drop of blood. Discovery of emotional biomarkers in body fluids, understanding of the correlation between those biomarkers and the results from brain science are prerequisites to validate the EOC technology. In this paper, paper microfluidics are introduced as a good candidate for the EOC. As paper microfluidics is cost-effective and easy to use it is expected to be a useful device for the emotion measurement. We present the design and fabrication process for the simple paper-based microfluidic device and discuss the possible application in the field of measuring the human emotion.
keyword : 종이기반 미세유체역학, 감성지표, 측정, 체액, Paper microfluidics, Emotion marker, Measurement, Body Fluid
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A pilot study on measuring the human cortisol using an electronic device
이희조 Hee Jo Lee , 이정현 Jung Hyun Lee , 황유선 Yoo Sun Hwang , 정효일 Hyo Il Jung |
KJSES 14(4) 531-536, 2011 |
The precise measurement of human emotion is of pivotal importance in the field of emotion science. Based on the perspective of psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, human emotion is now considered to be measurable by body fluid. The biological molecule cortisol, which is known for the stress hormone, has been widely investigated to help researchers to estimate the stress loaded on human body. Until now, several measurement techniques such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), fluorometric assay, and reverse phase chromatography have been developed. However, since these measurements are expensive, take relatively long time for an operation, and they are not portable, they are not appropriate for POCT (point of care testing). In this paper we demonstrate the performance of a miniaturized-microwave resonant device in the measurement of cortisol. Our method has many advantages in that it requires a small volume of sample, has fast response time, is easy to operate and needs no labeling process. Besides, it will shed a light on the measurement techniques for emotion science.
keyword : 공진소자, 코티졸, 측정, 체액, electronic device, cortisol, measurement, body fluid
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Assessment of tactile acuity by two-point discrimination and grating resolution in blind and deaf humans
박진희 Jin Hee Park , 유현광 Hyun Kwang Ryoo , 김나리 Na Ri Kim , 최명애 Myoung Ae Choi , 김민선 Min Sun Kim , 박병림 Byung Rim Park , 강대임 Dae Im Kang |
KJSES 14(4) 537-544, 2011 |
Tactile acuity was assessed in groups of control, blind, deaf, and blind caused by complication to investigate the effective tactile stimuli on tactile sensory substitution studies when tactile display is applied to persons with sensory loss of vision or hearing. Two-point discrimination and grating resolution were assessed by compass and JVP dome, respectively, in the hand, arm, neck, lumbar, and knee. In two-point discrimination by compass, control group showed the highest sensitivity in fingers among assessed body areas but did not show any significant difference between male and female. Blind group and deaf group compared to control group did not show any significant difference in fingers but showed lower sensitivity in arm and knee. In grating resolution by JVP dome, control group did not show any significant difference among five fingers as well as between male and female. Blind group showed higher sensitivity in five fingers compared to control group, but deaf group did not show any significant difference from control group. Blind caused by complication group showed lower sensitivity in two-point discrimination and grating resolution compared to control group and blind group. These results suggest that the body area and method of tactile stimulation, and difference in tactile acuity depending on underlying disease of sensory loss should be considered when tactile display is applied for sensory substitution.
keyword : 시각장애, 청각장애, 두점식별력, 격자해상능역치, 촉각제시, Blind, Deaf, Two-point discrimination, Grating resolution threshold, Tactile display
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A Evaluation Method for the Effectiveness of Anti-snore Pillow
지덕근 Duk Keun Jee , 위연 Ran Wei , 임재중 Jae Joong Im , 김희선 Hee Sun Kim , 김현정 Hyun Jeong Kim |
KJSES 14(4) 545-554, 2011 |
In this study, the parameters of Polysomnography (PSG) test, such as total sleep time, snoring time, had been analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of a developed anti-snore pillow. The developed anti-snore pillow is made up of two polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) vibration sensors, pumps, valves, and air bladders. The two PVDF sensors inside the pillow can acquire the sound signals and the algorithm was perfectly designed to extract snoring by removing unwanted noise accurately and automatically. Once the pillow recognizes snore, a pump inside the hardware activates, and a bladder under the neck area inside the pillow will be inflated. The PSG test was used and two volunteers were participated for the study. The parameters of the PSG results were analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the anti-snore pillow. The total sleep time of each volunteer was similar on each phase of test, but the snoring time and the longest snoring episode were significantly decreased with the use of anti-snore pillow. The overall results showed excellent possibilities for reducing snoring for the person who snores during sleep by using the anti-snore pillow. The effectiveness of the anti-snore pillow can be evaluated by the PSG test. Moreover, the relationship between each parameter of PSG test and the quality of sleep will be used for further researches.
keyword : polyvinylidene fluoride, 코골이, 수면 무호흡, 공기 주머니, 코골이 방지 베개, polyvinylidene fluoride, Snoring, Sleep apnea, Air Bladder, anti-snore pillow
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The review of neural basis for prosocial moral motivation and moral decision-making
정주연 Ju Youn Jung , 한상훈 Sang Hoon Han |
KJSES 14(4) 555-570, 2011 |
In order to do morally right behavior that we cognitively know, prosocial moral motivation is necessary. Previous studies revealed emotion is important for prosocial moral motivation. This was supported by cognitive neuroscience studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) in which the activity of ventral striatum(VS) was observed when people made moral decision. VS was originally known as the core area of reward process but recently VS was found to respond also to social reward and even feeling of prosocial emotion itself. However it is not clear why VS was activated when people experience prosocial moral sentiments. The aims of this review article were to find situations in which people are prosocially and morally motivated and to understand more about the role of emotion as a moral motivator by examining evidence regarding the neural network, including VS, of prosocial moral motivation and moral decision-making.
keyword : 친사회적 도덕감, 동기, 복측 선조체, ventral striatum, 도덕적 의사결정, prosocial moral sentiment, motivation, ventral striatum, moral decision-making
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The effects of driving performance during driving with sending text message and searching navigation: a study among 50s taxi drivers
김한수 Han Soo Kim , 최진승 Jin Seung Choi , 강동원 Dong Won Kang , 오호상 Ho Sang Oh , 서정우 Jung Woo Seo , 연홍원 Hong Won Yeon , 최미현 Mi Hyun Choi , 민병찬 Byung Chan Min , 정순철 Soon Cheol Chung , 탁계래 Gye Rae Tack |
KJSES 14(4) 571-580, 2011 |
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of secondary task such as sending text message (STM) and searching navigation (SN) using the variable indicating control of vehicle ((Medial-Lateral Coefficient of Variation, MLCV), (Anterior-Posterior Coefficient of Variation, APCV)) and motion signal (Jerk-Cost function, JC). Participants included 50s taxi drivers; 14 males and 14 females. Participants were instructed to keep a certain distance (30m) from the car ahead with constant speed (80km/hr or 100km/hr). Experiement consisted of driving alone for 1minute and driving with secondary task for 1minute. Both MLCV and APCV were significantly increased during Driving + Sending Text Message(STM) and Driving + Searching Navigation(SN) than Driving only. Also, JC was increased during Driving + STM and Driving + SN than Driving only. In this study, we found that even in the experts group who are taxi driver and have 25 years driving experience, the smoothness of motion is decreased and the control of vehicle is disturbed when they were performing secondary tasks like sending text message or searching navigation.
keyword : 동시 과제, 운전 수행 능력, 동작 분석, 운전 시뮬레이터, 50대 택시 운전자, secondary task, driving performance, motion analysis, driving simulator, 50s taxi drivers
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