ㆍComparison of Empathy Ability between Counselors and the General Public
KJSOS 27(4) 3-14, 2024
This study aimed to compare the empathy between psychological counselors and the general public and to examine the emotional assessment consistency within each group as a crucial factor in psychotherapy. Previous research has identified two core affective dimensions of emotion: valence and arousal (Russell, 1980). This study employed simulated counseling videos as experimental stimuli to assess emotional responses of valence and arousal dimensions. Participants rated their emotions for nine adjectives using 7-point Likert scales. Multidimensional scaling and intersubject correlation were conducted. In response to the counseling video stimuli, multidimensional scaling analysis demonstrated that emotions in the valence dimension were similarly well represented for both the counselor and general public groups, while the counselor group exhibited heightened sensitivity in the arousal dimension. Moreover, results indicated similar emotional representation for both groups across the nine emotional assessment scales, with the counselor group showing increased arousal sensitivity. Intersubject correlation analysis revealed that the counselor group exhibited more consistent emotional responses compared to the general public group. In summary, this study found that counselors demonstrate a higher empathy level for the arousal dimension and higher consistency in emotional responses, highlighting the role of professional education and training in enhancing empathy.
keyword : 상담, 공감, 핵심정서, 다차원척도법, 참가자 간 상관분석, Counseling, Empathy, Core Affect, Multidimensional Scaling, Intersubject Correlation
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ㆍThe Effect of Socially Prescribed Perfectionism on Depression: The Mediating Effect of Emotional Exhaustion and Moderating Effect of Gender
KJSOS 27(4) 15-26, 2024
This study investigated the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion, a component of academic burnout, in the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression among undergraduate students, considering gender moderation. Online surveys were administered using the scales for perfectionism (Hewitt and Flett Multidimensional Perfectionism), emotional exhaustion (Maslach Burnout Inventory Student Survey), and depression (CES-D). Data from 602 participants underwent correlation and regression analyses using SPSS Process Macro 4.2. The results indicated that higher levels of socially prescribed perfectionism significantly predicted higher levels of depression and emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, a higher level of emotional exhaustion significantly predicted higher depression. These results demonstrated that emotional exhaustion mediated the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression, with gender acting as a moderating variable. Thus, women may exhibit a higher level of depression than men when emotional exhaustion mediates the relationship between perfectionism and depression. This study showed the negative relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression in undergraduates, intensified by emotional exhaustion’s mediating effect. The overall results emphasize the importance of mental health support and intervention strategies for undergraduate students suffering from overwhelming perfectionism or emotional exhaustion.
keyword : 사회부과 완벽주의, 정서적 탈진, 학업소진, 우울, Socially Prescribed Perfectionism, Emotional Exhaustion, Academic Burnout, Depression
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ㆍThe Impact of the Characteristics of Fashion Influencers and Consumer Attributes on Follows of Fashion Influencers: Focusing on Instagram and YouTube
KJSOS 27(4) 27-38, 2024
This study investigates the relationship between fashion influencer characteristics, consumer engagement, and relationship maintenance approaches in line with gender and major and to analyzes the same-sex bias in follows fashion influencers based on the consumer’s gender. Moreover, it seeks to find out the relative importance of an influencer’s attributes such as expertise, likability, similarity, and familiarity. A questionnaire was administered to male and female individuals in their 20s who are active users of social networking sites. Descriptive statistics and factor, reliability, chi-square, t-test, and regression analyses were conducted using SPSS. The results of the study are as follows: First, the influencer’s gender had no significant influence on male respondents, while female respondents significantly preferred female influencers. Second, experties and likability significantly contributed to long-term relationships regardless of gender and major. Conversely, female respondents and non-fashion majors also placed a high value on intimacy. To foster a lasting relationship, companies must strive to be both likable and professional to consumers.
keyword : 패션, 팔로우, 성별, 소셜 네트워크 서비스, 소셜 인플루언서, Fashion, Follows, Gender, Social Network Service, Social Influencer
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ㆍGroup Differences in Memory Performance Among Amazon Mechanical Turk Masters, Regular Workers, and Offline Participants
KJSOS 27(4) 39-48, 2024
The online crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) assigns a "master" qualification to workers who have outstanding task performance records. However, prior research comparing MTurk's master and regular workers has shown inconsistent results regarding actual performance differences between these groups. Furthermore, studies have used a survey method and research comparing cognitive task performance between MTurk masters and regular workers is still limited. The current study compared the performance of MTurk masters, regular workers, and offline-recruited university students using a visual recognition memory task. Results showed comparable memory performances between MTurk masters and offline participants. However, MTurk regular workers exhibited a different pattern of results from those of the masters and offline participants. Consistent results were found after excluding low-performing participants from each group. These findings suggest that appropriately screened online participants can effectively replicate results from traditional offline experiments. However, the results also underscore that online crowdsourcing platforms such as MTurk are made up of heterogeneous participant groups, suggesting that study outcomes may vary depending on participant selection criteria.
keyword : 온라인 실험, 아마존 메커니컬 터크, 집단차, 시각 기억, Online Crowdsourcing, Amazon Mechanical Turk, Group Difference, Visual Memory
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ㆍColor Emotion and Preference of Identically Toned Two-Color Combinations with Persimmon and Indigo-Dyed Fabrics
KJSOS 27(4) 49-62, 2024
This study sought to determine the color emotion factors of two-color combinations with identical tones using persimmon and indigo-dyed cotton fabrics, to investigate the relationship between color emotion factors, color preference, identical tone types, color area ratios, and physical colorimetric combination variables, and to establish predictive models for color emotion factors and color preference. This study engrossed 38 female college students in subjective color assessments, presenting them with six different two-color combinations of cotton fabrics dyed with persimmon and indigo, having two types of identical tones (soft and dull) and three levels of color area ratios (1:1, 2:1, and 1:2) as variables. Factor analysis highlighted four color emotion factors, including “Comfort,” “Light,” “Dynamic,” and “Elegant.” Among them, the “Light” factor was felt more strongly in “soft” tones. A color area ratio of 2:1 significantly augmented the “Comfort” factor, while a color area ratio of 1:2 favored the “Elegant” factor. A significant relationship was evident between certain physical colorimetric combination variables and color emotion factors like “Comfort,” “Light,” and “Elegant.” Conversely, specific color combinations did not significantly impact color preference. Finally, this study proposed predictive models for “Comfort,” “Light,” and “Elegant” factors based on objective variables. These results could facilitate color combination design using persimmon and indigo dyes for emotional textiles.
keyword : Color Combination Emotion, Identical Tone, Color Preference, Natural Dyeing, Persimmon and Indigo, 배색 색채감성, 동일색조, 색채선호도, 천연염색, 감과 쪽
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ㆍClassifying and Representing Emotions based on EEG Data Collected with Wearable Devices
KJSOS 27(4) 93-102, 2024
This research investigated the classification and representation of discrete emotions based on electroencephalogram (EEG) data collected using wearable devices in response to emotional videos. To achieve this objective, a previously published dataset was reanalyzed using multivariate analyses, which are suitable for handling high-dimensional data features, minimizing information loss, and extracting core affect dimensions. First, the cross-participant classification was conducted to confirm the consistency of the emotional responses across the participants. The classification results were evaluated using a confusion matrix, indicating the correct and incorrect classifications for each emotion video. Second, based on the core affect model, multidimensional scaling (MDS) was performed to examine the representation of emotions within a two-dimensional space. Finally, representational similarity analysis (RSA) was conducted to determine the most descriptive type of data―behavioral, physiological, or EEG―in characterizing emotional dimensions. The classification analysis revealed that emotional conditions were successfully classified across participants, suggesting that the emotion-eliciting EEG response is shared across individuals. The results of MDS indicated that the EEG data collected in response to emotional stimuli exhibited clear representation along the arousal dimension. The results of RSA demonstrated that behavioral data best described the valence dimension, while EEG and physiological data best explained the arousal dimension. This study offers evidence supporting the core affect theory through EEG data collected via wearable devices in response to video stimuli.
keyword : Core Affect, Classification, Multidimensional Scaling, Representational Similarity Analysis, Electroencephalogram, EEG, Wearable Devices, 핵심정서, 분류분석, 다차원척도법, 표상 유사성 분석, EEG, 웨어러블 기구
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ㆍResearch on Learning Lighting Environment to Promote Long-term Memory
KJSOS 27(4) 73-82, 2024
This study investigated a learning environment that can enhance memory using LED lighting. Thus, it employed experimental verification to evaluate the effect of LED lighting's illuminance and correlated color temperature on long-term memory. The lighting environment was created under six conditions: two illuminance levels of 400 lx and 1,000 lx, and three correlated color temperatures of 3,000 K, 5,000 K, and 7,000 K. The participants of this study consisted of 30 cognitively healthy adults, with an average age of 21.7 years (SD = 1.73). The learning (memory) task used meaningless letters of only seven consonants, and the word fragment completion task measured memory retention after 20 minutes. The results of the study revealed that a relatively dim light of 400 lx, 5,000 K condition yielded the best long-term memory (Mean = 37.67, SD = 14.55), while the 1,000 lx, 5,000 K condition elicited the worst long-term memory (Mean = 25.67, SD = 12.78).
keyword : Learning Lighting Environment, Long-Term Memory, Illuminance of LED Lighting, Color Temperature
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ㆍEffects of Ultrasound Stimulation of the Common Carotid Artery Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on Brain Physiology
KJSOS 27(4) 83-92, 2024
Further research is needed to examine the effects of ultrasound stimulation of the carotid artery on the physiological function of the brain. Hence, this study aimed to propose a method utilizing a noninvasive and quantitative thermal stimulation technique of the carotid artery employing therapeutic ultrasound to improve and maintain the physiological function of the brain.
The study was participated in by 27 healthy adults in their 20s. Diagnostic ultrasound identified the stimulation location of the right common carotid artery in the supine position, followed by the application of therapeutic ultrasound stimulation to the right sternocleidomastoid muscle. A two-minute therapeutic ultrasound stimulation was employed at two intensities (5W/cm2 and 10W/cm2) with a frequency of 3MHz. Near-infrared spectroscopy measured and compared changes in regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) and hemoglobin concentration (Hb). Furthermore, changes in each intervention section based on intensities were compared and analyzed.
The area between the scalp and cerebral cortex (shallow) exhibited rSO2 increases at 10W/cm2 and decreases at 5W/cm2 in both during and after the intervention compared to pre-intervention, although differences lacked statistical significance. On the other hand, the cerebral cortex (deep) area demonstrated a statistically significant rSO2 decrease regardless of the intensities during the intervention (p = .001 for 5W/cm2; p < .001 for 10W/cm2), followed by post-intervention recovery tendencies (p = .016 for 5W/cm2; p = . 012 for 1 0W/cm2). A significant increase in oxyhemoglobin (HbO) was illustrated during 5W/cm2 stimulation (p = .036), accompanied by a non-significant decrease in deoxyhemoglobin (HbR). Moreover, a non-significant decrease was identified in both HbO and HbR at 10W/cm2 stimulation. A significant intensity-based difference in rSO2 was observed in the shallow area (during intervention, p = .023; after intervention, p = .022).
In conclusion, results revealed that the rSO2 in the deep area decreased during the intervention when performed at a frequency of 3MHz and an intensity of 5 and 10W/cm2. At a strong intensity of 10W/cm2, the rSO2 exhibited contrasting trends, increasing in the shallow area and decreasing in the deep area. The observed phenomenon stems from the excessive blood supply to the shallow area caused by increased external carotid artery blood flow, rather than the effective cerebral cortex stimulation induced by increased internal carotid artery blood flow by strong intensity stimulation. On the other hand, HbO in the brain increased at an intensity of 5W/cm2, indicating an increased oxygen supply. Accordingly, an appropriate intensity of therapeutic ultrasound stimulation is expected to improve brain function by regulating the physiological function of the brain and enhancing cerebrovascular health through improved cerebral blood flow.
keyword : 근적외선분광법, 치료용 초음파, 경동맥, 대뇌산소포화도, Near-infrared Spectroscopy, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Common Carotid Artery, Cerebral Oxygen Saturation
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ㆍPredicting Driver Readiness in Conditional Autonomous Driving: Analyzing Driver Characteristics and Heart Rate Variability
KJSOS 27(4) 93-108, 2024
This study investigates psychological and physiological indicators to measure drivers’ subjective readiness in autonomous driving situations objectively. A total of 51 participants participated in the study, and pre-experimental evaluations employed surveys to assess driving experience, attitude, driving workload, and situation awareness (SA). This study utilized heart rate variability as a physiological indicator, with electrocardiogram data collected during autonomous driving simulations, particularly during driving scenarios requiring drivers’ manual control interventions. Afterward, the participants assessed their state while driving. Results revealed a negative correlation between drivers’ readiness and mental demand and a positive correlation with SA and understanding of the situation. Moreover, results demonstrated significant positive correlations between drivers’ readiness and heart rate variability metrics, particularly the square root of the mean of the sum of the square of differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD) and the proportion-derived NN50 by the total number of NN intervals (pNN50). Comparative analysis of high, medium, and low readiness groups presented significant disparities. The high-readiness group exhibited lower mental demand, higher SA and understanding of the situation, and higher pNN50 during the autonomous driving phase before the takeover. Finally, SA and RMSSD were identified as key predictors of driver readiness. Drivers with lower readiness exhibited heightened autonomic arousal, while those with higher readiness displayed enhanced psychological and physiological stability, attributed to increased parasympathetic activation. These findings highlight the significance of psychological and physiological indicators in predicting readiness, offering valuable insights for developing monitoring technologies to improve driver safety and accident prevention.
keyword : 자율주행, 운전 준비도, 운전부하, 상황인식, 심박변이도, Autonomous Driving, Driver Readiness, Driving Workload, Situation Awareness, Heart Rate Variability
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ㆍConnected Yet Isolated: Analyzing the Impact of Smartphone Dependency on Adolescent Suicide Risk Through the Interplay of Loneliness and Stress
KJSOS 27(4) 109-118, 2024
The excessive use of smartphones among adolescents has raised concerns regarding its potential mental health implications, yet direct empirical evidence establishing the relationship between smartphone dependency and suicidal behavior remains limited. To address this gap, this study investigates the relationship between smartphone dependency, loneliness, and suicidal attempts in adolescents. Utilizing data from the 2023 Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency survey, which included 52,880 students from 800 middle and high schools, the analysis revealed that adolescents with higher levels of smartphone dependency exhibited increased likelihood of reporting loneliness and suicidal attempts within the past year. Loneliness partially mediated the relationship between smartphone dependency and suicidal behavior, suggesting that excessive smartphone use may increase suicidal risk by sustaining social isolation. Notably, perceived stress emerged as a significant moderator; adolescents with higher levels of stress demonstrated a stronger association between smartphone dependency, loneliness, and suicidal risk. These findings highlight the critical role of psychosocial factors, such as loneliness and stress, in the relationship between smartphone use and mental health risks. Preventive interventions should emphasize balanced technology use and strengthen social connections, specifically among adolescents facing heightened stress levels.
keyword : 스마트폰 의존성, 청소년 정신건강, 자살 시도, 외로움, 스트레스, Smartphone Dependency, Adolescent Mental Health, Suicidal Behavior, Loneliness, Stress
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