Abstract |
This paper purposes to develop an artificial emotion reflecting emotional features contains situations, time, and characteristics, also to develop an interactive character having this artificial emotion with a smart phone. The artificial emotion has an Emotion Module and Drive Module for expressing emotion according to external emotional stimulus and internal drive. The Emotion Module administrates emotions according to time, characteristic, interrelation between different emotions. The Drive Module controls sensitivities of emotion according to changing drives over long time. Also due to defence mechanism for expressing emotions, emotions are processed by two pathways: The first pathway which is affected by the Emotion Module and the Drive Module, and the second pathway that is not to be done. We developed an interactive character having the artificial emotion with this structure using smart phone. And we simulated the artificial emotion what differences there are according to situations, characteristic, and time under same input conditions. The result of this paper has meanings developing the interactive character having the artificial emotion actually, and making it possible to personalize an artificial emotion with expressing the artificial emotion using smart phone. |
Key Words |
인공정서, 스마트폰, 인터랙티브 캐릭터, Artificial Emotion, Smart phone, Interactive Character |