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Guideline for Publications

Guidelines for Publications of Science of Emotion and Sensibility

Enacted on Dec. 10. 2008
Revised on Nov. 20. 2009
Revised on June 1. 2011

Code 1 (Length of Manuscript)

1. Manuscript content must be equal to or less than ten pages. The number of pages allows minimum of 6 pages and maximum of 20 pages (excluding the cover page). If it exceeds by ten pages, the author is subject to an extra charge.
2. Proceedings for the purpose of an academic symposium should consist of two pages.


Code 2 (Format and Page layout)

1. The preferred format is *.doc.
2. A4 (210×297 mm), vertical direction, 20mm top and bottom margins, 20 mm left and right margins, heading 15 mm margins, 0mm footers, 0mm binder. Note that cover page should be a one-page composite, and body paragraph should be a two-page composite.
3. Paragraph : 0 for both right/left margins with no indentation, 10.0 pt for indentation, interval size 160 %, 0 for space between each paragraph and each word
4. Fonts: Arial and Times New Roman are used for English manuscript. (Refer to the style format)
5. Page numbers: place numbers in the central bottom corner of every page from summary to reference page.


Code 3 (Order of the manuscript)

1. Cover page should include both Korean and English title, name of the author, institutions, key words/ specific area of interests, author's address, postal code, phone/fax number, and e-mail address.
2. English abstract, English Key words, Korean abstract, Korean Key words
3. Body
4. Appendix
5. References in English


Code 4 (Title)

1. Title should portray the contents of the paper well, and cover the main key words as much as possible.
2. The length of the title should not exceed three lines, either in English or Korean.
3. In case of Korean manuscript, write the English title underneath the Korean title. The name of the author should be typed in Korean first, and then in English. The address of corresponding author should be written in Korean on the bottom corner of the first page.
4. If the full paper is in English, write the Korean title underneath the English title. The name of the author should be typed in English, and then in Korean. The address of corresponding author should be written in English on the bottom corner of the first page.


Code 5 (Author)

1. Corresponding author should be marked by † at the right upper corner. The author's full name should be written in English.
2. The author's name and address should not be abbreviated.
3. Institution: Information about author's name and institution should be typed in consecutive order on a separate line for authors from different institutions.


Code 6 (Abstract)

1. English abstract should be followed by Korean abstract. In the case of an English manuscript, one can omit the Korean abstract.
2. Abstract should put into a succinct format by condensing important contents. A Korean abstract of 400~700 words, and English abstract of 150~300 words is appropriate.
3. A maximum of five key words should be provided after the abstract in both Korean and English. These are to appear under the Korean and English abstracts, respectively.


Code 7 (Titles in Body Text)

1. Flow from introduction to conclusion should be general. Arabic numbers are to be used in each category. (<example> 1. Introduction, 2. Purpose of Study, 3. Conclusion)
2. Word style of Arial (12pt) should be to be used for the tile, and Arial (11pt) should be to be used for the subtitle. The body text should be typed with word style of Times New Roman (10pt).
3. One can subdivide the categories into '2.1. Background', '2.1.1. Needs'. However, more than four steps, such as '', should be avoided. If such a case is necessary, underline the subtitle. (e.g. Development of the model)


Code 8 (Body Text)

1. Academic expression is strongly recommended. Technical that can be translated into Korean should be written in Korean only at first. The ensuing texts should include the English expression in brackets. Under circumstances in which expression in Korean is unavailable, use of the original language is permitted. The unit is S.I.
2. When using modification, enough space is desirable for both top and bottom corners. Clearly distinguish when marking the superscript, the zero (0) and the alphabet letter O, as well as the number 1 and the alphabet letter I. Endow numbers in brackets in the form (1), and mark as 'Equation 1' for double quotations.
3. If there are fewer than three authors using the single reference, write all the authors' names. If there are more than three authors, write the last only and then write "et al."
4. When marking references in paper, write as shown below.
  Lee Köhler (2000) is
  Lee bok-dong and Kim Myung-Gi (1990) are Köhler and Wallach (1990) are
  Lee bok-dong, Kim Myung-Gi, Shin Young-sik (1990) are Wallach and others (1991) are
  Their studies (Lee bok-dong, Kim Myung-Gi, 1990) are
   Their studies are (Köhler & Wallac, 1994) are
   Thier studies (Lee bok-dong and others, 1995)
  Their studies (Wallach et al., 1991) are
  ...was discussed as follow (Lee bok-dong, 2000)... was discussed as follow (Köhler, 1998)
5. When referring to multiple references with different authors, list the authors' names in alphabetical order.


Code 9 (Tables and Figures)

1. All descriptions used in figures and tables should be written in English.
2. Tables must not pass the boundary of A4 size. For exceptional cases, vertical form is recommended, placing figures either within one page or separating tables into an adjustable size.
3. Tables and figures should have titles. The title of a table should be at the left top corner, and the title of a figure should be at the bottom corner, with alignment.
4. Tables and figures can be included in the body of the paper, or they can be made separately. If they are included in the body of the paper, it is recommended to place them right after the body contents. If a table becomes split, it is advised to locate the table on the next page.
5. If the use of abbreviation and special code makes the understanding of the context difficult, addition of footnotes will be helpful.
6. Posting of copyrighted material requires permission of the copyright holder


Code 10 (Footnotes)

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively in the text with superscript Arabic numbers and should appear at the bottom of the page. Note that footnotes do not include list of bibliographic references.


Code 11 (References)

List of references contains contents from the paper. Detailed guidelines follow the form provided by the relevant symposium. The APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) system of referencing should be used.

1. Arrange the bibliographical list in alphabetical order by the author's last name. When listing a reference that does not have a title in English, translate it into in English and include the original title in brackets followed by the English title.
2. Titles of manuscripts in foreign languages should not be abbreviated, but should provide the full text of the original name.
3. Each reference should contain the names of all authors and their initials, the year of publication (written in brackets), the full title of the paper or book, the volume number, the issue of page numbers. For books, order goes according to the name of the author, the year of publication (brackets), title of the book, location and name of the publishing company.
4. For books, volumes, and issues, as well as for symposium papers, the title should be in italics.
5. If citations include two or more references from the same author, write them in order of publication date.
6. The phrase "In press" should be used instead of the year of publication when dealing with a journal that hasn't been published yet. Additional information such as the title of the journal paper and reference should appear.
7. If citations include two or more references from the same year for the same author, write them in order of .
8. The followings are examples of references written for the previously provided guidelines.



Alder, P. S. & Winograd, T. A. (1992). The Usability Challenge. In: P. S. Alder & T. A. Winograd (Eds.), Usability: Turning Technologies Into Tools, New York: Oxford University Press, 273-282.
Dittmar, A. (2004). Autonomic nervous system response patterns specificity to basic emotions. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System, 62(1), 45-57.
Jeong, S. H. & Lee, K. P. (2005). Extraction of user's representative emotions expressed while using a product, Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 18(1), 69-80.
Kim, J. W., Whang, M. C., Kim, Y. S., & Nam, K. C. (2007). Research on the system of measuring real-time based respiration rate using the PPG sensor (PPG 센서를 이용한 실시간 호흡률 측정 시스템에 관한 연구), In Proceeding of 2007 Spring Conference of Korean Society for Emotion & Sensibility, 123-126.
Miyakawa, A., Sugita, K., & Shibata, Y. (2004). Kansei Information Processing for Digital Traditional Crafting Presentation System, Information Processing (Japan), 45(2), 526-539.
Nielsen, J. (1999). The development of a short form of the Manifest Anxiety Scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 20(3), 384-387.
Park, K. W., Kim, H. K., Chung, B. K., Choi, M. H., & Hong, J. K. (2010). Design Investigation and Research Methodology: focusing on SPSS PC+ (디자인조사연구방법론: SPSS PC+를중심으로.), Seoul: Iseowon.
Rubin, J. (2000a). Autonomic nervous system response patterns specificity to basic emotions, Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System, 62(1), 150-167.
Rubin, J. (2000b). The effect of percieved hedonic quality on product appealingness, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15, 450-462.


Code 12 (Proofreading)

Modification of contents is not allowed in the proofreading process. If revision is inevitable, approval of editing committee is necessary.
This revision will be enforced from June 1. 2011.


Additional rules

Any codes that have not been discussed in these guidelines will follow the standard codes in general journal write-up guidelines. If further requests are necessary, consultation with the editing committee is required.


List of Styles

Style Fonts (size) Character spacing Leading Font decoration Indents Alignment
Title Times New Roman(12) -5 160 -- 0 Center
Name Times New Roman(10) -5 160 -- 0 Center
Affiliation Times New Roman(10) -5 160 -- 0 Center
Key words, 
Title of references
Arial -5 160 Bold 0 Center
Abstract Times New Roman -5 160 -- 10 Justified
Key words Times New Roman -5 160 -- 0 Justified
Title (1.) Arial (12) -5 160 Bold 0 Center
Subtitle (1.1.) Arial (11) -5 160 Bold 0 Left
Subtitle (1.1.1.) Arial (10) -5 160 Bold 0 Left
Body text Times New Roman (10) -5 160 -- 10 Left
Table caption Arial (9) -5 160 -- 10 Left above table
Table Times New Roman (9) -5 160 -- 0 Center
Figure caption Arial (9) -5 160 -- 0 Center below Figure
Footnote Times New Roman (9) -5 160 -- 0 Justfied
Reference Times New Roman (10) -5 160 -- Outdent 

