Abstract |
Tactile acuity was assessed in groups of control, blind, deaf, and blind caused by complication to investigate the effective tactile stimuli on tactile sensory substitution studies when tactile display is applied to persons with sensory loss of vision or hearing. Two-point discrimination and grating resolution were assessed by compass and JVP dome, respectively, in the hand, arm, neck, lumbar, and knee. In two-point discrimination by compass, control group showed the highest sensitivity in fingers among assessed body areas but did not show any significant difference between male and female. Blind group and deaf group compared to control group did not show any significant difference in fingers but showed lower sensitivity in arm and knee. In grating resolution by JVP dome, control group did not show any significant difference among five fingers as well as between male and female. Blind group showed higher sensitivity in five fingers compared to control group, but deaf group did not show any significant difference from control group. Blind caused by complication group showed lower sensitivity in two-point discrimination and grating resolution compared to control group and blind group. These results suggest that the body area and method of tactile stimulation, and difference in tactile acuity depending on underlying disease of sensory loss should be considered when tactile display is applied for sensory substitution. |
Key Words |
시각장애, 청각장애, 두점식별력, 격자해상능역치, 촉각제시, Blind, Deaf, Two-point discrimination, Grating resolution threshold, Tactile display |