Abstract |
Recently in HCI research, emotion recognition is one of the core processes to implement emotional intelligence. There are many studies using bio signals in order to recognize human emotions, but it has been done merely for the basic emotions and very few exists for the other emotions. The purpose of present study is to confirm the difference of autonomic nervous system (ANS) response in three emotions (boredom, pain, and surprise). There were totally 217 of participants (male 96, female 121), we presented audio-visual stimulus to induce boredom and surprise, and pressure by using the sphygmomanometer for pain. During presented emotional stimuli, we measured electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (SKT), electrocardiac activity (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), besides; we required them to classify their present emotion and its intensity according to the emotion assessment scale. As the results of emotional stimulus evaluation, emotional stimulus which we used was shown to mean 92.5% of relevance and 5.43 of efficiency; this inferred that each emotional stimulus caused its own emotion quite effectively. When we analyzed the results of the ANS response which had been measured, we ascertained the significant difference between the baseline and emotional state on skin conductance response, SKT, heart rate, low frequency and blood volume pulse amplitude. In addition, the ANS response caused by each emotion had significant differences among the emotions. These results can probably be able to use to extend the emotion theory and develop the algorithm in recognition of three kinds of emotions (boredom, surprise, and pain) by response measurement indicators and be used to make applications for differentiating various human emotions in computer system. |
Key Words |
무료함, 통증, 놀람, 자율신경계 반응, boredom, pain, surprise, autonomic nervous system response |