Difference of 3-back task performance ability due to Levels of arousal
이수정 Su Jeong Lee , 민윤기 Yoon Ki Min , 김보성 Bo Seong Kim , 최미현 Mi Hyun Choi , 양재웅 Jae Woong Yang , 최진승 Jin Seung Choi , 전재훈 Jae Hoon Jun , 탁계래 Gye Rae Tack , 민병찬 Byung Chan Min , 정순철 Soon Cheol Chung |
KJSES 12(4) 373-380, 2009 |
This study tried to investigate how three levels of arousal affect performance of a 3-back task. Ten university male (age 25.7±1.5) and ten female (age 24.5±1.8) students participated in this experiment. Using pictures selected from a group test, three levels of arousal, i.e. tensed, neutral, and relaxed emotions, were induced. Each subject was run through the procedure three times, once for each arousal level. The procedure consisted of six phases for each arousal condition Rest 1(2 min), Picture 1(presenting emotion arousing photos for 2 min), 3-back task 1(2 min), Picture 2(presenting emotion arousing photos for 2 min), 3-back task 2(2 min), and Rest 2(2 min). Skin conductance level(SCL) of electrothermal activity was also measured during all phases of the experiment. The accuracy rate of 3-back task performance was the highest at a neutral emotional state, followed by relaxed and then tensed emotional state. There was no difference in reaction time(RT) among the three levels of arousal. SCL was the highest at a tensed emotional state, followed by neutral emotional state and then relaxed emotional state. Based on the results, it could be inferred that tension, induced by stimuli unrelated to cognitive tasks, decreases the ability to perform cognitive tasks.
keyword : Arousal Level, 3-back task, Cognition ability, Accuracy, Reaction time, 각성 수준, 3-back 과제, 인지 능력, 정답률, 반응 시간
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Development of Protocol for Standardized Emotion Induction in Children
장은혜 Eun Hye Jang , 양경혜 Gyung Hye Yang , 이정미 Jeong Mi Lee , 정명애 Myung Ae Chung , 손진훈 Jin Hun Sohn |
KJSES 12(4) 381-392, 2009 |
The aim of this study was to develop a research protocol that provides standardized conditioning stimuli in effectively evoking emotion-specific responses in children. The protocol targets five specific emotions(i.e., happiness, sadness, anger, distress, and boredom) by introducing study participants to a combination of music, color, stories, and dolls. This research protocol also includes a self-report emotion assessment scale specially developed for this study to verify the types of emotion induced. Evaluation of the method entailed triangulation of the results from the subjects` self-reported emotional state corresponding to each conditioned stimulus as well as behavioral observations conducted by researchers. Findings suggest that this new protocol effectively evokes five emotions in correspondence to the way it was intended for appropriate emotion induction. Additionally, results showed that female children than male children are more likely to feel boredom; and school-aged children were more likely to react to sadness than pre-school children.
keyword : Children, Emotion, Emotion Induction Protocol, 아동, 정서, 정서 프로토콜
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A study on the modular design of smart photonic sports clothing based on optical fiber technology
박수진 Soo Jin Park , 박선형 Sun Hyeong Park , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee |
KJSES 12(4) 393-402, 2009 |
The objectives of this study is to search for systematic modular design methods for smart photonic sports clothing based on light emitting optical fiber technology related to smart photonic clothing, and to present a variety of modular design models based on optical fiber and light emitting module assembly technology, both of which stand on the basis of body measurements. To achieve the objectives, this paper firstly reviewed the concept of smart photonic clothing and related technologies, and an examination of the concepts of modularization and its designs, as well as examples of modularization used in various fields. To decide the size and attachment point of optical fiber and light emitting modules, the study considered the close connection between modularization and body measurements. Along with body measurements, to derive the most suitable region to attach the optical fiber and light emitting modules, appropriate attachment locations for computing devices and regions which are marginally affected by body movements, were analyzed. On the basis of the results, a modular model of a sports jacket with smart photonic functions was designed and presented, with the focus on the wearer`s safety and protection function, which was judged to be the most needed and appropriate function among the three functions of smart photonic clothing related to sports clothing. The results of this study is expected to be useful as basic data for future smart photonic clothing design research.
keyword : smart photonic clothing, modular design, optical fiber and Light emitting module, sports wear, 스마트 포토닉 의류, 모듈화 디자인, 광섬유-발광 모듈, 스포츠 의류
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Preliminary Study on Human Sensibility Evaluation of Ringtone in Mobile Phone
권오성 O Seong Kweon , 최재현 Jae Hyun Choi |
KJSES 12(4) 403-410, 2009 |
The purpose of this study was to find whether there is sound quality difference among mobile service providers in terms of ringtone in mobile phones, and identify factors that contribute to the difference of sound quality. A series of experiments were performed to identify the source of sound difference while controlling brand factor of the leading company. Mobile service provider, phone manufacturer, phone model variation, specific music genre and contents provider factors were examined. The results showed there was sound quality difference among mobile service providers. The difference comes from mobile phones provided to service provider and sound contents. There was difference in sound quality among same models that provided to different service providers. The different sound making process contributed to the difference of sound quality. The genre effect was not clear. To complement the limitation of samples used, an interview with the sound expert of mobile device was performed. The results showed hardware parts used and careful tuning of the device can influence to the sound quality of the mobile phone.
keyword : mobile phone, ringtone, sensibility evaluation, 휴대폰, 벨소리, 감성만족도
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Effects of social distance and mood on moral judgment -focusing on moral dilemmas
현주하 Ju Ha Hyun , 엄기민 Ki Min Eom , 한광희 Kwang Hee Han |
KJSES 12(4) 411-424, 2009 |
Morality is one of the references when people judge the world. In two studies we addressed the impact of social distance and mood on moral judgment. Participants judged the people who kill one person to save the many by moral and action appropriateness. In study 1 Social distance was induced in best friends and strangers condition. We hypothesized that judgments rely on deontology depends on social distance. Study 1 showed that same actions in moral dilemmas are judged more severely when the people are more socially distant(strangers). But this effect of social distant was found only judgment of moral appropriateness. Study 2 examined how mood can affect moral judgment. There have been many work investigated the role of mood in determining the kind of cognitive processing. Results from study 2 showed participants in positive mood condition are judged more severely. This difference between positive and negative mood was found only judgment of action appropriateness in contrast with study 1. These results suggested that moral judgment can be affected by social distance and mood. We also found that these factors have selected impact on moral and action appropriateness.
keyword : Moral dilemma, Moral Judgment, Social distance, mood, 도덕적 딜레마, 도덕적 판단, 사회적 거리, 정서
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An fMRI study on the cerebellar Lateralization during visuospatial and verbal tasks
정순철 Soon Cheol Chung , 손진훈 Jin Hun Sohn , 최미현 Mi Hyun Choi , 이수정 Su Jeong Lee , 양재웅 Jae Woong Yang , 이법이 Beob Yi Lee |
KJSES 12(4) 425-432, 2009 |
The purposes of the study were to examine cerebellar areas and lateralization responsible for visuospatial and verbal tasks using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI). Eight healthy male college students(21.5±2.3 years) and eight male college students(23.3±0.5 years) participated in this fMRI study of visuospatial and verbal tasks, respectively. Functional brain images were taken from 3T MRI using the single-shot EPI method. All functional images were aligned with anatomical images using affine transformation routines built into SPM99. The experiment consisted of four blocks. Each block included a control task(1 minute) and a cognitive task(1 minute). A run was 8 minutes long. Using the subtraction procedure, activated areas in the cerebellum during the visuospatial and verbal tasks were color-coded by t-score. A cerebellar lateralization index was calculated for both cognition tasks using number of activated voxels. The activated cerebellar regions during the both cognition tasks of this study agree with previous results. Since the number of activated voxels of the left and right cerebellar hemisphere was almost same, there was no cerebellar lateralization for both cognition tasks.
keyword : cerebellar Lateralization, visuospatial and verbal tasks, fMRI, 소뇌 편측화, 공간과제, 언어과제, 뇌 기능 영상
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An Emotion Scanning System on Text Documents
김명규 Myung Kyu Kim , 김정호 Jung Ho Kim , 차명훈 Myung Hoon Cha , 채수환 Soo Hoan Chae |
KJSES 12(4) 433-442, 2009 |
People are tending to buy products through the Internet rather than purchasing them from the store. Some of the consumers give their feedback on line such as reviews, replies, comments, and blogs after they purchased the products. People are also likely to get some information through the Internet. Therefore, companies and public institutes have been facing this situation where they need to collect and analyze reviews or public opinions for them because many consumers are interested in other`s opinions when they are about to make a purchase. However, most of the people`s reviews on web site are too numerous, short and redundant. Under these circumstances, the emotion scanning system of text documents on the web is rising to the surface. Extracting writer`s opinions or subjective ideas from text exists labeled words like GI(General Inquirer) and LKB(Lexical Knowledge base of near synonym difference) in English, however Korean language is not provided yet. In this paper, we labeled positive, negative, and neutral attribute at 4 POS(part of speech) which are noun, adjective, verb, and adverb in Korean dictionary. We extract construction patterns of emotional words and relationships among words in sentences from a large training set, and learned them. Based on this knowledge, comments and reviews regarding products are classified into two classes polarities with positive and negative using SO-PMI, which found the optimal condition from a combination of 4 POS. Lastly, in the design of the system, a flexible user interface is designed to add or edit the emotional words, the construction patterns related to emotions, and relationships among the words.
keyword : Measuring user`s sensibility, emotion words, Text classification, 사용자 감성측정, 감성어, 문서 분류
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Activation of Limbic Area due to Oxygen Administration during Visuospatial Task
최미현 Mi Hyun Choi , 이수정 Su Jeong Lee , 양재웅 Jae Woong Yang , 김지혜 Ji Hye Kim , 최진승 Jin Seung Choi , 탁계래 Gye Rae Tack , 정순철 Soon Cheol Chung , 김현준 Hyun Jun Kim |
KJSES 12(4) 443-450, 2009 |
The purpose of this study is to observe activation of limbic system during performing visuospatial tasks by 21% and 30% oxygen administration. Eight right handed male college students were selected as the subjects for this study. A visuospatial task was presented while brain images were scanned by a 3T fMRI system. The experiment consisted of two runs: one was a visuospatial task under normal air(21% oxygen) condition and the other under hyperoxic air(30% oxygen) condition. The neural activations were observed at the limbic system which is seperated 8 regions such as cingulate gyrus, thalamus, limbic lobe, hypothalamus, hippocampus, parahippocampa gyrus, amygdala, and mammiilary body. By two oxygen levels, activation areas of limbic system are almost identical. Increased neural activations were observed in the cingulate gyrus and thalamus with 30% oxygen administration compared to 21% oxygen. During 30% oxygen administration, improvement of visuospatial task performance has a relation to increase of neural activation of subcortical structures such as thalamus and cingulate gyrus as well as cerebral cortex.
keyword : oxygen administration, visuospatial task, Limbic system, fMRI, 고농도 산소, 공간과제, 변연계, 뇌기능 영상
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Establishment of design model considering surrounding environment and users in public design -Focused on the bus station
형성은 Sung Eun Hyoung |
KJSES 12(4) 451-460, 2009 |
This study had been carried out based on the users` behavioral pattern in order to survey characteristics of bus station, a public facility. As a detailed analysis, quantification theory type 3 was performed based on 50 number of samples installed at each local governments as targets in order to evaluate bus station attributes and to survey its characteristics. As a result of this experiment, it was revealed that installation pattern of bus station would differ depending on characteristics of four axis of migrating population density, functionality and simplicity, metropolitan city of densely populated companies, local city with strong locality, the front of school with dense migrating population, secluded rural village, specific place like museum, rural area with dense migrating population. Therefore, in this study, detailed items were suggested comprehensively so that the design considering local environment and users` characteristics, in addition to modeling features of bus stations suitable for local characteristics, could be progressed. If any design and model complying with local environmental features based on above contents should be applied, bus station would be assessed by the users more positively in the future.
keyword : Public Design, Analysis of User Characteristic, Analysis for Characteristic of Bus Shelter, 공공디자인, 이용자 특성 분석, 버스정류장 속성 분석
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A Study on Design Application for Signboard Arrangement of Jeonju Traditional Korean Style House Village
형성은 Sung Eun Hyoung , 홍정표 Jung Pyo Hong , 정성환 Sung Whan Chung |
KJSES 12(4) 461-470, 2009 |
This study has been prepared based on signboard arrangement works in order to foster Jeonju traditional Korean style house village as a main city of traditional culture. Overall composition has been suggested based on basic direction of signboard design in order to ensure design standardization method and utilization and right installation of various signboards. Enquete had been progressed by dividing into three areas including general characteristics of Korean style house village, acquisition of information and mobility and regulation/range of signboard with taking 600 number of persons from Jeonju citizens, outsiders and residents of Korean style house village as targets. Based on above result, design concept and detailed sign application method had been defined and pictogram and signboard installation method of Korean style house was suggested. As for the administrative procedure and regulations of signboard arrangement, cooperative method among Jeonju City, publicity company, deliberation committee and local residents and administrative project implementation method were suggested. Therefore, this study had summarized the project progress of signboard design for Jeonju traditional Korean style house village so that it may be utilized as a basic data for ensuring that this village would be developed as a region where tradition and history will be well conserved in the future through consultation with the relevant authorities.
keyword : Main city of traditional culture, Design standardization method, Signboard design, 전통문화 중심도시, 디자인 표준화 방법, 사인물 디자인
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