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Endnote RefWorks Scholar's Aid Excel TXT
Vol.12, No.4, 451 ~ 461, 2009
Establishment of design model considering surrounding environment and users in public design -Focused on the bus station
This study had been carried out based on the users` behavioral pattern in order to survey characteristics of bus station, a public facility. As a detailed analysis, quantification theory type 3 was performed based on 50 number of samples installed at each local governments as targets in order to evaluate bus station attributes and to survey its characteristics. As a result of this experiment, it was revealed that installation pattern of bus station would differ depending on characteristics of four axis of migrating population density, functionality and simplicity, metropolitan city of densely populated companies, local city with strong locality, the front of school with dense migrating population, secluded rural village, specific place like museum, rural area with dense migrating population. Therefore, in this study, detailed items were suggested comprehensively so that the design considering local environment and users` characteristics, in addition to modeling features of bus stations suitable for local characteristics, could be progressed. If any design and model complying with local environmental features based on above contents should be applied, bus station would be assessed by the users more positively in the future.
Key Words
Public Design, Analysis of User Characteristic, Analysis for Characteristic of Bus Shelter, 공공디자인, 이용자 특성 분석, 버스정류장 속성 분석
