Bipods Animation Blending By 3D Studio MAX Script
최홍석 Hong Seok Choi , 정재욱 Jae Wook Jeong |
KJSES 12(3) 259-266, 2009 |
Today, the 3D character animation is easily accessible from most of the film such as an actuality film, animation, games, or advertising. However, such a smooth movement of characters is a result obtained by Key Frame operation which skilled animators worked with data obtained through expensive equipment such Motion Capture for a long time. Therefore, to modify or to give other effects is not easy. In some cases, character`s action made according to the personal feeling could be different with universal expectations of audiences, because it might be not appropriate to make regulations generalized between character`s action by animater`s design and emotional reaction of audience. In this research, it is aimed to show the way which is easily to blend and modify 2-3 Biped animation data by offering the operation tools of 3-D rotation using 3D Studio MAX Script. By this tool E.A.M., we can have various researches for quantities relation of between walking and emotional reaction.
keyword : 감성, 맥스, 스크립트, 바이페드 애니메이션, 애니메이션 합성, emotion, Max Script, Biped Animation, Animation blending
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Crossmodal Perception of Mismatched Emotional Expressions by Embodied Agents
조유숙 Yu Suk Cho , 석지혜 Ji He Suk , 한광희 Kwang Hee Han |
KJSES 12(3) 267-278, 2009 |
Today an embodied agent generates a large amount of interest because of its vital role for human-human interactions and human-computer interactions in virtual world. A number of researchers have found that we can recognize and distinguish between various emotions expressed by an embodied agent. In addition many studies found that we respond to simulated emotions in a similar way to human emotion. This study investigates interpretation of mismatched emotions expressed by an embodied agent (e.g. a happy face with a sad voice); whether audio-visual channel integration occurs or one channel dominates when participants judge the emotion. The study employed a 4 (visual: happy, sad, warm, cold) X 4 (audio: happy, sad, warm, cold) within-subjects repeated measure design. The results suggest that people perceive emotions not depending on just one channel but depending on both channels. Additionally facial expression (happy face vs. sad face) makes a difference in influence of two channels; Audio channel has more influence in interpretation of emotions when facial expression is happy. People were able to feel other emotion which was not expressed by face or voice from mismatched emotional expressions, so there is a possibility that we may express various and delicate emotions with embodied agent by using only several kinds of emotions.
keyword : 에이전트, 교차양상지각, 정서통합, 정서인지, 불일치 정서, embodied agents, mismatched emotion, emotional information, crossmodal perception
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The Impact of Cognitive Load Factors and Arousal Levels of Galvanic Skin Response on Task Performance in Computer Based Learning
류지헌 Jee Heon Ryu |
KJSES 12(3) 279-288, 2009 |
The purpose of this study was to verify the impact of cognitive factors and GSR on the task performance. For this study 64 students participated. Multiple regression and repeated measures were applied to analyze the data. The result for the survey indicated that previous knowledge, physical efforts, and task difficulty had significant impacts on task performance. Particularly, task difficulty has a negative impact. This can be interpreted as someone who has high prior knowledge inputs higher physical efforts with low task difficulty perception will show high performance. On the other hand, the low arousal level of GSR in the evaluation stage is a prediction variable of task performance. This result shows that high prior knowledge and low arousal level of GSR produces high performance. However, the analysis of difference in GSR between learning and evaluation stages does not show significant difference. It suggests that physiological measure such as GSR is reliable index of cognitive load; however, it partially represents cognitive load. Other crucial factors should be added for comprehensive measures.
keyword : 인지부하의 측정, 전기피부반응, 생리신호, 인지부하의 주관적 설문척도, measures of cognitive Load, galvanic skin response, GSR, physiological signal, subject scale
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The Consumer Acceptance of MP3-playing Clothing and Bio-Signal Sensing Clothing Considered in the Technology Acceptance Model
채진미 Jin Mie Chae , 조현승 Hyun Seung Cho , 이주현 Joo Hyeon Lee |
KJSES 12(3) 289-298, 2009 |
An analysis was carried out for this study to figure out if there exists any differences in the model consumers accept for commercialized MP3-playing clothing and bio-signal sensing clothing. To analyze the differences of the structural variables of the products types, t-test was conducted with SPSS 15.0 package and multi-group analysis with AMOS 5.0 to find out the differences of each path goes with product types in structural equation model. In analytical results of effective sample of 557 copies of questionnaire, consumers` were highly aware of MP3-playing clothing in perceived ease of use, while they were aware relatively high of bio-signal sensing clothing in perceived usefulness, attitudes, consumer acceptance. The perceived value which was input to find out consumers awareness about sale price of commercialized products, was proven to do very important moderating role in forming consumers` attitudes and acceptance intention. Besides, consumers showed a difference in path in accepting model goes with product types. In bio-signal sensing clothing case, `the perceived usefulness→attitudes` path which was backed up in MP3-playing clothing was rejected, and `perceived value→attitudes` path appeared relatively high with moderating role of perceived value higher than MP3-playing clothing. Considering the results above, as the smart clothing is in the initiative commercialization stage while consumers were in the inquiry stage into awareness or information necessary in the course of purchase decision-making, and so an effective commercialization strategy seems to be necessary.
keyword : 혁신기술수용모델, MP3-playing 의류, 생체신호 센싱 의류, 지각된 사용용이성, 지각된 유용성, 지각된 가치, 태도, 소비자 수용도, TAM, Technology Acceptance Model, MP3-playing clothing, bio-signal sensing clothing, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived value, attitude, consumer acceptance
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Change of arterial pulse wave characteristic by measurement posture and brachial blood pressure
남기창 Ki Chang Nam , 김은근 Eun Gun Kim , 허현 Hyun Hoe , 허영 Young Huh |
KJSES 12(3) 299-306, 2009 |
In this study, pulse waves were measured at radial artery using non-invasive tonometric pulse pressure measurement system, SphygmoCor(AtCor, Australia), according to subject`s posture. Then it was analysed whether the pulse wave parameters, which contain heart activities, change among three different postures (upright stand, sit, and supine). And it was also verified that the pulse wave parameters change among blood pressure level groups(hypotensive, normotensive, and hypertensive). As a results, posture effects were verified in time information of pulse wave rather than amplitude. But some parameters calculated by ratio of two amplitude, such as augmented index(AI) and ratio of central aortic pulse and radial artery pulse, showed significant difference according to postures. In post hoc test, time to the 1st and 2nd pulse peak(P_T1 and P_T2), ED(ejection duration), and HR(heart rate) showed significant difference among posture groups with each other. In comparison of blood pressure groups, it was verified that the parameters related to amplitude of pulse wave showed significant difference rather than time information.
keyword : 맥파, 요골동맥, 토노메트리, 자세, 혈압, pulse wave, radial artery, tonometry, posture, blood pressure
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City design identity with application of the region`s emotional image factors
허성철 Seong Cheol Heo , 홍성수 Seong Soo Hong , 김억 Eok Kim |
KJSES 12(3) 307-316, 2009 |
The basic objective of this study is to suggest the city image ideas and methods of application based on the analysis of the regional characteristics and image factors in making proposal for integrated design for public facilities. Through understanding and analyzing natural, environmental, industrial characteristics, the city was subdivided into urban, marine, inland, and industrial complex areas. Also, local residents` attitude survey and the city`s cultural iconic image survey analysis was performed simultaneously, and the survey results were used to establish the strategy for Pohang`s city design identity and were applied in public facility design development process. Developing from the identity motive, "texture", the images of "iron", "marine", "science" were selected as core image of identity and were applied as design factors. Four unique colors were selected for each areas based on scenery color analysis. For facilities that needed to be installed separately in all four areas, "application of color and material consistency" and "application of shape consistency and partial color diversity consistency" were suggested to integrate the image of the city as a whole through establishing distinctive image for each area.
keyword : 지역이미지요소, 도시디자인, 아이덴티티, 감성, region`s image factors, city design, identity, emotion
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Differentiation of children` five emotions with cardiovascular reactivity parameters
장은혜 Eun Hye Jang , 이경화 Kyung Hwa Lee , 손선주 Sun Ju Sohn , 박지은 Ji Eun Park , 손진훈 Jin Hun Sohn |
KJSES 12(3) 317-324, 2009 |
The aim of this study was to determine whether or not cardiovascular reactivity parameters serve as good indicators in identifying differential emotion in children. The study particularly focused on five emotions(i.e., happiness, sadness, anger, stress, and boredom), thus, study participants were introduced to a combination of music, color, stories, and dolls to induce complex emotions. During the experiment, corresponding cardiovascular reactivity in response to the conditioned stimuli were recorded on physiological parameters including HR, RSA, HRV, HF HRV, LF HRV, and FPV. After the cardiovascular reactivity responses were measured, participants rated on the types and intensity of emotions they had experienced during the emotional stimuli exposure. Results on psychological response show that four emotions except for stress were appropriately and effectively induced participants by emotional stimuli. Findings of physiological responses suggest that, except for RSA, all of the physiological indicators show significant differences among five emotions. This indicates that children` emotions can be measured and differentiated by cardiovascular reactivity, or in other words, emotion specific responses have the ability to distinguish different emotions in children.
keyword : 아동, 정서, 심혈관계 반응, Children, Emotion, Cardiovascular Reactivity
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Guidelines for Mobile Phone User Interface Development
권오성 O Seong Kweon |
KJSES 12(3) 325-330, 2009 |
The importance of User Interface (UI) in mobile phone has increased as the complexity of use increases due to the new technology adoption. The complexity and load for user interface development has increased accordingly. This paper discusses how to make a structured UI development process based on the mobile phone UI development case. After the review of UI development process and issues arising during the development, four levels of user interface guidelines are proposed such as macro rules, action templates, application rules and interaction cases. The importance of dealing various interaction case is emphasized which is not referred in the present industry UI guidelines. Most of research related to UI development focus on the target product rather than how to make good UI process. Based on the good UI process, good UI of the product can be realized. This proposed process based on UI guidelines will help to step up the UI development of mobile phone industry. Also, this process can be applied to different products or services.
keyword : 휴대폰, 유저인터페이스, 가이드라인, mobile phone, user interface, guideline
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Public facilities design considering preferred design image
허성철 Seong Cheol Heo , 김억 Eok Kim , 홍성수 Seong Soo Hong |
KJSES 12(3) 331-340, 2009 |
As the cultural Importance of local environment has been increasing, interests of local residents for city design has also increased. City design can inspire local residents` pride and redefine the city image to both local and outside world. Therefore, this study analyzes the city`s(Pohang city) status, environmental characteristics, and local residents` design image preference; and based on the analysis, this study suggests standard design for public facilities that constitute "streets", that can realize the city image identity. For the suggestion, scenery image and public facilities status of the twenty-four areas in the city were analyzed. Also, to decide the design direction of public facilities that can constitute the city`s consistent ideology, thoughts, and image, design preference factors for public facilities by local residents were surveyed and analyzed. The design guidelines and a standard design were established for total of thirty-one public facilities based on the analysis. The outcome will enable provision of communication media to express the charming city image and also of material that can be reflected in the integrated city scenery project in the future.
keyword : 디자인 이미지, 선호, 공공디자인, 공공시설물, 감성, design image, preference, public design, public facilities, emotion
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Evaluation of Attention and Relaxation Levels of Archers in Shooting Process using Brain Wave Signal Analysis Algorithms
이구형 Koo Hyoung Lee |
KJSES 12(3) 341-350, 2009 |
Archer`s capability of attention and relaxation control during shooting process was evaluated using EEG technology. Attention and meditation algorithms were used to represent the levels of mental concentration and relaxation levels. Elite, mid-level, and novice archers were tested for short and long distance shootings in the archery field. Single channel EEG was recorded on the forehead (Fp1) during the shooting process, and attention and meditation levels were computed by real time. Four types of variations were defined based on the increasing and decreasing patterns of attention and meditation levels during shooting process. Elite archers showed increases in both attention and relaxation while mid-level archers showed increased attention but decreased relaxation. Elite archers also showed higher levels of attention at the release than mid-level and novice archers. Levels of attention and relaxation and their variation patterns were useful to categorize archers and to provide feedback in training.
keyword : 정신 집중, 긴장 이완, 명상, 알고리즘, 양궁 슈팅 과정, Attention, Relaxation, Meditation, Algorithms, Shooting Process
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