Abstract |
As the cultural Importance of local environment has been increasing, interests of local residents for city design has also increased. City design can inspire local residents` pride and redefine the city image to both local and outside world. Therefore, this study analyzes the city`s(Pohang city) status, environmental characteristics, and local residents` design image preference; and based on the analysis, this study suggests standard design for public facilities that constitute "streets", that can realize the city image identity. For the suggestion, scenery image and public facilities status of the twenty-four areas in the city were analyzed. Also, to decide the design direction of public facilities that can constitute the city`s consistent ideology, thoughts, and image, design preference factors for public facilities by local residents were surveyed and analyzed. The design guidelines and a standard design were established for total of thirty-one public facilities based on the analysis. The outcome will enable provision of communication media to express the charming city image and also of material that can be reflected in the integrated city scenery project in the future. |
Key Words |
디자인 이미지, 선호, 공공디자인, 공공시설물, 감성, design image, preference, public design, public facilities, emotion |