Abstract |
The basic objective of this study is to suggest the city image ideas and methods of application based on the analysis of the regional characteristics and image factors in making proposal for integrated design for public facilities. Through understanding and analyzing natural, environmental, industrial characteristics, the city was subdivided into urban, marine, inland, and industrial complex areas. Also, local residents` attitude survey and the city`s cultural iconic image survey analysis was performed simultaneously, and the survey results were used to establish the strategy for Pohang`s city design identity and were applied in public facility design development process. Developing from the identity motive, "texture", the images of "iron", "marine", "science" were selected as core image of identity and were applied as design factors. Four unique colors were selected for each areas based on scenery color analysis. For facilities that needed to be installed separately in all four areas, "application of color and material consistency" and "application of shape consistency and partial color diversity consistency" were suggested to integrate the image of the city as a whole through establishing distinctive image for each area. |
Key Words |
지역이미지요소, 도시디자인, 아이덴티티, 감성, region`s image factors, city design, identity, emotion |