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Vol.27, No.1, 93 ~ 107, 2024
Parenting Motives Moderate the Link between Parents’ Relationship Satisfaction with their Children and Subjective Well-Being
Children play a crucial role in the lives of parents, but research on the parent-child relationship has focused mainly on its impact on parents’ social relationships and happiness. This study explored how parenting motives affect the association between parents’ relationship satisfaction with children and subjective well-being. Previous studies have suggested that the psychological benefits of achievement or positive experiences in specific life domains are dependent on the perceived importance of such domains. Thus, we hypothesized that a satisfying relationship with children can strongly predict the subjective well-being of parents with elevated parenting motives. The study included Korean (Study 1) and American (Study 2) participants. Results of both studies demonstrated a pronounced positive correlation between parents’ relationship satisfaction with children and subjective well-being in individuals with high levels of parenting motives. This moderating effect persisted even after controlling for relevant covariates (e.g., gender, age, and Big 5 personality traits). Notably, this effect was particularly evident in subfactors of subjective well-being, which is negative affect.
Key Words
Parenting Motive, Relationship Satisfaction with Children, Subjective Well-Being, Domain Satisfaction, 양육 동기, 자녀 관계 만족도, 주관적 안녕감, 영역 만족도
