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Vol.26, No.3, 83 ~ 101, 2023
Derivation of Representative Emotions Through Analysis of Perceived Frequency Profiles of Various Emotions According to Levels of Cognitive Well-Being
This study determines whether the perception of the frequency of experiencing positive, negative, and surprise emotions changes according to the level of cognitive well-being. Furthermore, we determined practical means to analyze which emotions can be managed in daily life as an effective means of improving overall life satisfaction by identifying representative specific emotions that strongly predict the level of cognitive well-being. To this end, the between-subjects factorial design is adopted to measure the frequency of emotional experiences according to the level of cognitive well-being in 438 university undergraduate students. For cognitive well-being, the life satisfaction scale (SWLS) was used, and the PANAS-X scale was used to measure emotional frequency. As a result, first, the group with high cognitive well-being displays a higher frequency of positive and surprise emotional experiences and a lower frequency of negative emotional experiences than the group with low cognitive well-being. Second, the results confirm that representative emotions affecting cognitive well-being included 8 positive emotions, 7 negative emotions, and 1 surprise emotion. Among them, positive emotions include “happy” and “confident,” negative emotions include “dissatisfied with self” and “disgusted with self,” and surprise emotions include words such as “amazed.” Therefore, we can conclude that the representative emotions are those with the greatest influence on cognitive well-being. Therefore, increasing the frequency of specific emotions (e.g., happy, confident, and surprise) and decreasing the frequency of others (e.g., dissatisfied with self and disgusted with self) could be effective in improving cognitive well-being than unconditionally examining emotions experienced in daily life.
Key Words
Cognitive Well-Being, Emotional Profile, Emotion, Emotional Well-Being, Subjective Well-Being, Life Satisfaction, 인지적 안녕감, 감정프로파일, 감정, 정서적 안녕감, 주관적 안녕감, 생활만족도
