Abstract |
In this study, we assessed how participants represent various sensory stimuli experiences through behavioral ratings and physiological measurements. Utilizing intersubject correlation (ISC) analysis, we evaluated whether individuals' affective responses of dominance, arousal, and valence differed when stimuli of three modality conditions (auditory, visual, and haptic) were presented. ISC analyses were used to measure the similarities between one participant's responses and those of the others. To calculate the intersubject correlation, we divided the entire dataset into one subject and all other subject datasets and then correlated the two for all possible stimulus pair combinations. The results revealed that for dominance, ISCs of the visual modality condition were greater than the auditory modality condition, whereas, for arousal, the auditory condition was greater than the visual modality. Last, negative valence conditions had the greater consistency of the participants' reactions than positive conditions in each of the sensory modalities. When comparing modalities, greater ISCs were observed in haptic modality conditions than in visual and auditory modality conditions, regardless of the affective categories. We discussed three core affective representations of multiple modalities and proposed ISC analysis as a tool for examining differences in individuals` affective representations. |
Key Words |
Intersubject Correlation, Affective Representation, Multiple Sensory Stimuli, Behavioral and Physiological Data, 참가자 간 상관, 정서적 표상, 다중 감각 자극, 정서평정, 생리측정 |