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Vol.25, No.2, 87 ~ 101, 2022
Who is Lonely While Being Alone? The Relationship Between Solitude, a Sense of Power, and Loneliness
People who spend more time alone tend to report higher levels of loneliness. However, whether people experience loneliness in solitude can differ The current research investigated the role of a sense of power as a predictor of loneliness among people who lack social interaction. investigated factors predicting loneliness in people with little social time large-scale survey data. As a result of discriminant analysis, a sense of power was verified as a factor that lonely non-lonely groups. a sense of power As a result, a causal relationship between a sense of power and social loneliness was confirmed. When people feel alone, a high sense of power can work as a buffer against loss of belongingness and the experience of social loneliness. This research focused on psychological rather than situational factors to alleviate loneliness in the current situation where social encounters are limited due to the increase of single-person households and the 19 pandemic.
Key Words
Loneliness, Sense of Belonging, Sense of Power, Social Time, Solitude, 권력감, 사회적 시간, 소속감, 외로움, 홀로 있음
