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Vol.24, No.4, 17 ~ 29, 2021
Effect of Field of View on Egocentric Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environment
The purpose of the research was to examine the effect of field of view on egocentric distance perception in the real and virtual environment. The replica that mimicked the real environment condition was used to create the virtual environment condition. We manipulated field of view levels equally in both viewing conditions using glasses that limit the field of view in real-world conditions and limiting the field of view in virtual-world conditions in a manner equivalent to real-world conditions via HMD. Eighteen participants observed the target with a limited field of view in a real and virtual environment without head movement. Then, we measured perceived distance using the timed imagined walking method, which measures the time taken by each participant to mentally walk to the target. The target was shown three times at three different distances from the participants: 3, 4, and 5 m. For the analysis, we converted time estimates into distance estimates. Consequently, the estimated distance in the virtual environment condition was less than the estimated distance in the real environment condition. And as the field of view shrank, the estimated distance also decreased. The estimated distance did not vary with field of view levels in real-world conditions. In the virtual environment, the estimated distance decreased as the field of view decreased, whereas in the real environment, the estimated distance increased. The implications of the results and some future research directions are discussed below.
Key Words
Virtual Environment, Egocentric Distance Perception, Field of View, Distance Compression, Timed Imagined Walking, Head-Mounted Display (HMD), 가상현실, 자기중심적 거리지각, 시야각, 거리압축, 상상보행
