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Vol.23, No.3, 19 ~ 37, 2020
Characteristics of Academic-, Social-, Emotional-, and Career Adaptation to College Life among Clustered Freshmen Using DEU-GRIT: A Focus on D University
This study is aimed at analyzing the characteristics of adaptation to college life among freshmen of D University by utilizing the DEU-GRIT test. To achieve this, we examined differences in level of college life adaptation according to gender and major, and explored the characteristics of college life adaptation among college freshmen who were clustered based on their level of academic, social, emotional, and career adaptation, which is an important factor in adaptation to college life. Moreover, based on the DEU-GRIT test standards, we also explored the characteristics of their college life adaptation by sorting out low level groups of freshmen with difficulties adapting. The results demonstrated that male students had a higher level of emotional adaptation than female students, and that science and technology majors had higher levels of academic and emotional adaptation than students in the humanities and society majors. Furthermore, a cluster analysis based on 4 factor levels of college life adaptation showed that cluster 1 had a high level of adaptability to all factors, but cluster 3 had a low level of adaptability to all factors. Moreover, while cluster 2 showed a high level of emotional adaptation, cluster 4 showed a low level of emotional adaptation. On the other hand, a lower-standard group of DEU-GRIT tests showed that the level of academic adaptation and social adaptation was higher among female students than among male students. However, the overall level of college life, academic, and emotional adaptation were higher among science and technology students than among those majoring in humanities and social studies. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the level of 4 factors of college life adaptation of lower-standard groups showed that cluster 1 of the lower-standard groups had a high level of emotional adaptation, while cluster 2 of the lower-standard groups had a low level of emotional and career adaptation and a high level of academic and social adaptation. Also, cluster 3 of the lower-standard groups was found to have low levels of all factors, and cluster 4 of the lower-standard groups showed low levels of social and emotional adaptation and high levels of academic and career adaptation. This indicates that, in terms of social and emotional adaptation among freshmen, participation in psychological counseling programs tailored according to gender is necessary and, regarding the major, relative emotional intervention is required due to the high and low expectations of job prospects. In conclusion, the emotional and social adaptation to college life among the lower-level groups is likely to serve as a protective factor for college life adaptation, suggesting that specific intervention should be contemplated.
Key Words
The Freshmen, Adaptation to College Life, Gender, The Field of Major, Characteristics of the Cluster, Academic-Adaptation, Social-Adaptation, Emotional-Adaptation, Career-Adaptation, 대학 신입생, 대학 생활 적응, 성별, 전공 분야, 군집 특성, 학업 적응, 사회 적응, 정서 적응, 진로 적응
