Abstract |
The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is a newly developed emotional scale to measure well-being that was designed to overcome the limitations of the previous emotional scales (Diener et al., 2010). It comprises 12 items that measure positive and negative emotional experiences, including general (e.g., positive, negative) and specific (e.g., joyful, sad) items. It also reflects all levels of arousal. This study examined the factor structure and gender invariance of the Korean version of the SPANE. For this purpose, responses to the scale of a sample of 551 Korean college students (276 males and 275 females) were analyzed. The results exhibited high internal consistency reliability and construct validity for a Korean population. Furthermore, the configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the SPANE held across gender. These results suggest that the Korean version of the SPANE is a valid scale for measuring the emotional experiences of Korean students, and it is appropriate to use in future studies of gender difference in emotional well-being. |
Key Words |
측정 동일성, 부정 정서, 긍정 정서, 척도 타당화, 주관적 안녕감, Measurement Invariance, Negative Emotion, Positive Emotion, Scale Validation, Subjective Well-being |