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Vol.21, No.2, 113 ~ 125, 2018
Validity of the Comparison Question Test: An fMRI Study
The logical assumption of the comparison question test (CQT) is that the guilty person pays more attention to the relevant questions than to the comparison questions, and that the innocent person pays more attention to the comparison questions than to the relevant questions. The purpose of this study was to verify the logic of the comparison question test using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The participants were tested for brain responses during a mock crime and performed the CQT under guilty and innocent conditions. After brain imaging, we evaluated the psychological burden of responding to the relevant questions and comparison questions. In the guilty conditions, the degree of burden was higher for the relevant questions than the comparison questions, and there was no significant difference in the innocent conditions. The fMRI results showed that, in the guilty conditions, greater activation was observed in the right superior temporal gyrus and right inferior frontal gyrus when relevant questions were presented relative to comparison questions. Based on these findings, the logical assumption of the CQT was discussed.
Key Words
Comparison Question Test, fMRI, Lie Detection, Polygraph, 비교질문검사, 거짓말 탐지, 폴리그라프
