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Vol.20, No.1, 17 ~ 31, 2017
An Exploratory Study of Searching Human Body Segments for Motion Sensors of Smart Sportswear: Focusing on Rowing Motion
Lots of interdisciplinary studies for fusion of high technologes and the other areas of research had been tried in these days. In sports training area, high technologies like a vital sign sensor or an accelerometer were adopted as training tools to improve the performance of the sports players. The purpose of this study is finding the proper locations on the human body for attaching the motion sensors in order to develop a smart sportswear which could be helpful in training players. The rowing was selected as a subject sport as lots of movements of the joint on human body could be seen in rowing motions. The players of rowing could be devided into two weight divisions, the lightweight and the heavyweight. In this study, the change rates of distance between markers on human skin as the players moved were took on the back, the elbow, the hip and the knee area on human body by 3D motion capturing system. The distances between markers and the differences between the lightweight and heavyweight were analyzed. Finally, this study provided the guide lines for designing a motion sensing smart sportswear.
Key Words
모션캡처, 인체동작 센싱, 조정동작, 스마트 스포츠의류, Motion Capturing, Human Motion Sensing, Rowing Motion, Smart Sportswear
