Abstract |
The aim of this study was to investigate effective expression method of performance information of functional clothing and preferred alternatives for the categorized consumer groups according to the perception about the functional outdoor jacket. 472 males and females in their 20s-60s` were surveyed and their answers were analysed and categorized by using SPSS 21.0 statistical program. For the study, four different expression methods for waterproof & breathable fabric, `illustration only`, `illustration+Korean text`, `illustration+foreign text`, and `chart with Korean text`, were presented and asked for finding correct answers. The analysis was done for three categorized consumer groups from the former study, `unconversant/brand & design pursuing group`, `conversant/function pursuing group` and `high price/high function preferring group`. The results showed that regardless of groups, `picture only` was the most preferred method and `graph` was the least. However, the percentage of correct answers for the `graph` was the biggest, especially for `conversant/function pursuing group`. It implied that the effective expression method should be differentiated depending on the target consumer groups. `Conversant/function pursuing group` more agreed on the need for additional information, such as `after-washed performance`, than other two groups. |
Key Words |
행택의 이해도, 선호 대안방법, 기능성 정보, 기능성의류 인식, 유형별 소비자, 아웃도어 재킷, Effectiveness of Hang-Tag Type, Preferred Method, Functional Information, Perception of Functional Clothing, Categorized Consumer, Outdoor Jacket |