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Vol.19, No.1, 83 ~ 95, 2016
Study on the Relationship Between EEG of Brain Laterality and Personality Traits
The purpose of this study is to find out the relationships of brain laterality, active EEG over all brain regions and personality traits by measuring EEG signals on the basis of the counseling psychology personality theories. For this study, the EEG of ninety-six college students as measured by an eight channel EEG device and analyzed through the computer and the data of their Big Five Personality Test were analyzed by statistical analysis. The result was that when theta``s laterality at the prefrontal lobe is bigger, neuroticism is higher in the personality factors. On each of the brain regions, theta``s activity on the left of the prefrontal lobe makes higher neuroticism but lower conscientiousness, and beta``s activity on the left of the frontal lobe makes lower extroversion and openness to experience. These results showed that there are statistically meaningful relationships between the brain region activated specific EEG and individual personality or psychological traits. This study branched out into theta band while most previous studies measured in alpha and beta band. Also from these results it suggested the counseling strategy with the brain and follow-up studies.
Key Words
성격특성요인, 좌우뇌비대칭, 뇌신경과학, Personality Traits, Brain Laterality, EEG, Neuro-Science
