Abstract |
In today’s society, the experience of social exclusion caused by being rejected or ignored, leads to negative social consequences, such as aggressive behavior, self-defeating thoughts, and diminished intelligence. This study is performed to examine 1) how two types of social exclusion, rejection and ignorance, affect conspicuous consumption and prosocial behavior and 2) how embodied cognition formed with a firmed muscle moderates their causal relationships. For this purpose, half of the participants in ignorance and rejection conditions were asked to grip their hands to form a firmed muscle (firmed muscle group) while the other half (control group) were not. After the manipulation of embodied cognition, their conspicuous consumption and intention of prosocial behavior were measured. Results show that, in ignorance condition, the firmed muscle group exhibited lower conspicuous consumption and higher intention of prosocial behavior than the control group while, in rejection condition, there were no differences in conspicuous consumption and intention of social behavior between firmed muscle and control groups. Findings indicate that, in the case of social exclusion caused by ignorance, firmed muscle improves self-efficacy, which may increase prosocial behavior. |
Key Words |
사회적 배제, 체화된 인지, 자기규제, 과시적 소비, 친사회적 행동, social exclusion, embodied cognition, self-regulation, conspicuous consumption, prosocial behavior |