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Vol.18, No.2, 3 ~ 19, 2015
A Study of Individual Differences across Numerosity Sensitivity, Visual Working Memory and Visual Attention
Numerosity perception is considered as an innate ability of human being where its sensivitiy may widely vary across each individual person. The present study explored the relationship between visual working memory (VWM), visual search efficiency, and numerosity sensitivity. To accomplish this, we calculated each participant``s K-value from change detection performance representing one``s storage capacity in VWM, slopes of search RTs representing the search efficiency, and discrimination sensitivity for a quantity difference across two sets of dot arrays representing the numerosity sensitivity. The correlational analysis across the measurements revealed that participants with a high VWM capacity better discriminated the numerosity difference in the arrays when the spatial information in the two dot arrays was preserved. In contrast, the participants with high search efficiency discriminated better the difference in the arrays when the spatial information in the arrays was not preserved. The results indicate high VWM-capacity individuals were presumably able to use a strategy of storing the dot arrays by grouping them into a smaller pattern of dot arrays while high search-efficiency individuals were able to use a strategy of rapidly switching their focused attention across the dots in the arrays to count each individual dot. These in sum suggest that individual differences in numerosity sensitivity rely on one``s working memory capacity as well as their efficient use of switching focused attention.
Key Words
수량지각, 시각작업기억, 시각탐색, 개인차, numerosity perception, visual working memory, visual search, individual differences
