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Vol.18, No.1, 1 ~ 13, 2015
Effects of ad endorser`s gaze directions on social perceptions and advertising effectiveness
An ad endorser’s gaze direction is a salient nonverbal cue that consumers use in responding to advertisements. The gaze direction influences consumers’ social perceptions (e.g., attractiveness, credibility) of the endorser and advertising effectiveness (e.g., advertising attitudes, brand attitudes). Especially, the cerebral emotional asymmetry hypothesis suggests that an ad endorser’s left-averted gaze can produce more positive social perceptions and advertising effectiveness than the right-averted gaze for right-handed consumers. This study examined the effects of three gaze directions (direct, left-averted and right-averted gaze directions) of unknown female ad endorser on Korean males’ advertising responses (attractiveness-, credibility- and ad-effectiveness-related responses), using online experimental method. The results indicated that the ad endorser’s direct gaze was more likely to increase both positive (correspondence bias) and negative (suspicion, deceptiveness) social perceptions of her than the right-averted gaze. The direct gaze also created more positive advertising effectiveness (advertising attitudes) than the right-averted gaze. However, the study failed to find consistent differences in responses between left-averted gaze and either direct or right-averted gaze.
Key Words
시선 방향, 광고 모델, 비언어적 커뮤니케이션, 광고 효과성, 사회적 지각, Gaze direction, ad endorser, nonverbal communication, advertising effectiveness, social perception
