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Vol.17, No.3, 83 ~ 95, 2014
The impacts of social exclusion and the need to belong on the affective forecasting of social events
The present study examined the intensity of affective forecasting and the size of affective forecasting errors of people who experienced social exclusion or those high in need to belong. In Particular, a series of studies was designed to explore the moderating role of the types of future events (i.e. social vs. non-social events) in the relationship between social exclusion, the need to belong and affective forecasting. Results indicated that participants who experienced social exclusion or be high in need to belong showed significantly extreme affective ratings on the future social events compared to the future non-social events. Additional results suggested that more social exclusion experiences or higher needs to belong did not affect to the affective ratings on the experienced social events, indicating greater affective forecasting errors of socially excluded people or people with higher need to belong. The implications and limitations of the results were also discussed.
Key Words
사회적 배척, 소속 욕구, 정서 예측, 정서 예측 오류, 사회적 사건, social exclusion, need to belong, affective forecasting, affective forecasting error, social event
