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Vol.17, No.1, 39 ~ 53, 2014
Suggestion of Similarity-Based Representative Odor for Video Reality
Use of vision and audition for video reality has made much advancement. However use of olfaction, which is effective in inducing emotion, has not yet been realized due to technical limitations and lack of basic research. In particular it is difficult to fabricate many odors required for each different video. One way to resolve this is to discover clusters of odors of similar smell and to use representative odor for each cluster. This research explored clusters of odors based on pair wise similarity ratings. 300 diverse odors were first collected and sorted them into 11 categories. We selected 152 odors based on their frequency, preference, and concreteness. Participants rated similarity on 1,018 pairs of odors from selected odors and the results were analyzed using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS). Based on the idea that low odor concreteness would support valid use of representative odor, the MDS results are presented from low to high smell concreteness. First, flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables was classified under the easy categories to use representative odor due to their low smell concreteness (Figure 1). Second, chemicals, personal cares, physiological odors, and ordinary places was classified under the careful categories of using it due to their intermediate concreteness (Figure 2). Finally, food ingredients, beverages, and foods was classified under the difficult categories to use it because of their high concreteness (Figure 3). The results of this research will contribute to reduction of cost and time in odor production and provision of realistic media service to customers at reasonable price.
Key Words
대표냄새, 실감향상, 냄새 유사성, 후각정보, representative odor, odor similarity, odor concreteness, olfactory information, reality improvement
