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Vol.16, No.3, 311 ~ 319, 2013
The Validation Study of Shaping Comfortable Environments Based on the PMV Index Using Facial Skin Temperature
This research examined the validity of whether the PMV index-based comfort- or uncomfort-indoor environments could be classified by the facial skin temperature, one of the physiological indicator for human. To do this, we distinguished between a comfort thermal environment and an uncomfort thermal environment using the PMV value, and then facial skin temperatures were measured in both environments. As a result, the facial skin temperature of occupants were different between the comfort- and uncomfort-indoor environments. It suggested that the facial skin temperature could be used in shaping the comfortable indoor environment based on the PMV index. While this result suggested the PMV index-based on comfort and uncomfort indoor environments could not be valid, because the facial skin temperature was lower in the uncomfort thermal environment than in the comfort thermal environment.
Key Words
Facial Skin Temperature, Comfortable Indoor Environment, PMV Index, Validity
