Abstract |
Positive affect has beneficial consequences in various life domains including social relational aspect. This study proposes that ``joy``, a highly arousing positive social emotion, promotes emotionally supportive reactions during a social interaction. In Study 1, after controlling for confounding personality characteristics (e.g., extraversion, agreeableness, adult attachment) and cognitive variables (e.g., empathy, self-esteem), positive affect predicted the amount of emotional support and enthusiasm one showed to a person who was describing a positive experience. The arousal dimension of positive emotion appeared to be the key in creating this outcome. Study 2 found that people were most likely to react in supportive ways (e.g., more laughing, emotion sharing, and active-constructive responses) to other`s conversation after viewing a joy-inducing (rather than pride, awe, calm) film clip. These results partly explain why happy people are socially popular and suggest that one of the central functions of “joy” is to promote social bonding with others. |
Key Words |
긍정 정서, 사회적 관계, 각성, 즐거움, 정서 표현, social interaction, positive emotion, arousal, emotion expression, joy |