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Vol.15, No.4, 489 ~ 503, 2012
Influence of advertising type and gender on advertising effectiveness: The efficacy of storytelling advertising
Storytelling advertising is one of the most popular ad types in marketing field. However, there has been little attention to storytelling ads in consumer and advertising research. To examine the effectiveness of different types of advertising, this study collected 9 commertial ads, which consisted of 3 advertising types(storytelling, informative, image) × 3 products(digital camera, coffee, health drink). We investigated the differences in emotions after ads and arousal level, as well as the advertising effectiveness among the three types of advertising, Preliminary analysis revealed that the emotions after ads could classified into two distinct emotion types, affective emotions and cognitive emotions, and we used the two emotion types as emotions after ads to simplify the results. The results indicate that the storytelling ads are more effective than the image ads, but this power of storytelling ads may not be found in the comparison with informative ads. It is also found that storytelling ads can help form a more positive attitude for males than for females, whereas image ads can have an more impact on females than males. In addition, it can be proposed that affective emotions after ads may play an important role in the effectiveness of advertising types, but the interaction effects of advertising types and gender may depend on the cognitive emotions after ads.
Key Words
스토리텔링 광고, 광고유형, 성별, 광고효과, 광고후 감정 storytelling advertising, advertising types, gender, advertising effectiveness, emotions after ads
