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Vol.15, No.1, 65 ~ 73, 2012
Effects of Display Size of Digital Media on the Reliability of the Information Contents
People receive information through various media, such as newspapers, TV, radio, magazines, or internet, etc. In particular, through the development of the internet and smart-phone they can interact with media and receive information in real time via handheld devices. However the types of information and media could affect the reliability of news information. In this study, it was the main interest how the usability in the new media with the interactivity, such as a desktop, tablet, and smart-phone affects the user`s evaluation on the contents displayed by the different new media. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the usability from the different display size of media and the different contents of articles on the reliability of information empirically. The results showed that the contents of the articles interacting with different devices affect the reliability of information. These findings propose the considerations on the effects of characteristic usability of the new media in the stages of the development of the media contents.
Key Words
매체, 콘텐츠, 인터넷, 신뢰도, 화면 사이즈, 사용성, media, contents, internet, reliability, display size, usability
