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Vol.14, No.2, 279 ~ 293, 2011
A Study of Thinking Style and Consumption Behavior in Comsumer`s Decision Making
This research explores the differences of two consumption behaviors from the thinking style they elicit. Specifically, we predict that more utilitarian attributes(vs. hedonic attributes) may be used when evaluating utilitarian products whereas more hedonic attributes(vs. utilitarian attributes) may be used when evaluating hedonic products. In addition, this research considered two different thinking styles: rational thinking style and experiential thinking style, and try to find out whether different product attribute information could elicit different thinking style and whether the thinking style has any effect on product evaluation. The data reported in this research demonstrates the following results. Firstly, people use different criteria when judging different types of product. That is, when judging utilitarian product, they are more likely to use utilitarian attribute as evaluation criteria, on the contrary they inclined to use hedonic attribute as evaluation criteria when choosing hedonic product. Secondly, different types of attribute informations could elicit different thinking style. Utilitarian attribute informations elicit rational thinking style whereas hedonic attribute informations elicit experiential thinking style. Finally, if people engage in rational thinking elicited in processing utilitarian attribute informations, the evaluation of utilitarian product is enhanced. But even though people engage in experiential thinking in processing hedonic attribute informations, the evaluation of hedonic product is not improved.
Key Words
제품유형, 속성정보, 사고유형, 제품평가, product type, attribute information, thinking style, product evaluation
