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Vol.13, No.3, 485 ~ 493, 2010
Comparison and Analysis of Women Faces in 20s` and Women Faces in 60s Through Women faces`s Measured value
This thesis analyzes the proportion and disproportion of faces through visual analysis and measured value for women faces in 20s and 60s. The proportion of bizygion breadth and face height is 1:1.34 in 20s and 1:1.39 in 60s which shows face height is ling in 60s, and 0.85:1:1 for upper face length, middle face length and lower face length in 20s which shows the proportion of upper face length and lower face length are long while they are 0.84:1:1.06 in 60s which shows lower face length is long and upper face length is short. If the proportion of the face is more than 2˚ which is severe imbalance, angle of eyes is 8% in 20s, 13% in 60s, and angle of nasal is 11% in 20s, 29% in 60s, angle of mouse is 11% in 20s and 40% in 60s, showing imbalance of 60s is severe. As above, It shows that face height is longer in 60s than in 20s and lower face is long among others because face`s change due to aging. Also, We able to know that face`s imbalance is severer in 60s than in 20s.
Key Words
얼굴 측정치, 상안부길이, 중안부길이, 하안부길이, faces`s Measured value, upper face Length, middle face Length, Lower face Length
