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Endnote RefWorks Scholar's Aid Excel TXT
Vol.13, No.3, 449 ~ 459, 2010
Sentiment Classification considering Korean Features
As occasion demands to obtain efficient information from many documents and reviews on the Internet in many kinds of fields, automatic classification of opinion or thought is required. These automatic classification is called sentiment classification, which can be divided into three steps, such as subjective expression classification to extract subjective sentences from documents, sentiment classification to classify whether the polarity of documents is positive or negative, and strength classification to classify whether the documents have weak polarity or strong polarity. The latest studies in Opinion Mining have used N-gram words, lexical phrase pattern, and syntactic phrase pattern, etc. They have not used single word as feature for classification. Especially, patterns have been used frequently as feature because they are more flexible than N-gram words and are also more deterministic than single word. Theses studies are mainly concerned with English, other studies using patterns for Korean are still at an early stage. Although Korean has a slight difference in the meaning between predicates by the change of endings, which is `Eomi` in Korean, of declinable words, the earlier studies about Korean opinion classification removed endings from predicates only to extract stems. Finally, this study introduces the earlier studies and methods using pattern for English, uses extracted sentimental patterns from Korean documents, and classifies polarities of these documents. In this paper, it also analyses the influence of the change of endings on performances of opinion classification.
Key Words
감성, 분류, 의견, 패턴, 어미, sentiment, classification, opinion, pattern, endings
