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Vol.13, No.1, 33 ~ 41, 2010
Relationship between the Level of Depression and Facial EMG Responses Induced by Humor among Children
The study is to examine relationship between the level of depression and facial EMG responses during the humor condition. Forty-three children(age range 22-49 years) participated in the study. The Korean Personality Inventory for Children(KPI-C) was used to measure the level of depression in children. While children were presented to audio-visual film clip inducing humor, facial EMG were measured on their faces(bilateral corrugators and orbicularis). A baseline state was measured during 60 seconds before the presentation of the stimulus, i.e., emotional state lasting 120 seconds. Participants were asked to report the intensity of their experienced emotion. The results of emotion assessment showed 95.3% appropriateness and 3.81 intensity on the 5 points Likert scale). Facial EMG showed a significant increase while participants experiencing humor compared to baseline state. Additionally, the result showed a negative correlation between right corrugator responses and the level of depression. The study findings showed the more children experienced depression, the less facial EMG activity they had while experiencing humor.
Key Words
Children, Depression, Facial EMG, Humor, Audio-visual Film Clips, 아동, 유머, 안면근육반응, 우울, 시청각 동영상 자극
