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Vol.12, No.2, 181 ~ 193, 2009
A Study on Consumer Acceptance toward the Commercialized Smart Clothing
The purpose of this study was to explain the attitudes and acceptance toward the smart clothing adopted by the TAM(Technology Acceptance Model). A theoretical model on consumer acceptance of the commercialized smart clothing was constructed on the basis of previous studies and a review of literature and tested the path analysis. For the data analysis, statistical methods of confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, and covariance structural analysis using AMOS 5.0 package were employed. The results from a web-based survey of 557 online consumers indicate that the TAM by Davis(1989) adopted by perceived value according to market price was able to explain consumer acceptance of smart clothing substantially well. Using structural equation modeling, eight of the six hypotheses investigated in this study were supported. The results of the testing of the hypothesis were as fellows: First, perceived ease of use had a side effect on attitude through perceived usefulness. In addition, the attitude was found to affect consumer acceptance. Second, perceived usefulness was found to affect consumer attitude on perceived value, however, had not significant effect on consumer acceptance toward smart clothing. Third, perceived value was found to affect both consumer acceptance and attitude toward smart clothing. Finally, the attitude toward smart clothing had a direct effect on the consumer acceptance.
Key Words
TAM, Technology Acceptance Model, smart clothing, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived value, attitude, consumer acceptance, 혁신기술수용모델, 스마트 의류, 지각된 사용용이성, 지각된 유용성, 지각된 가치, 태도, 소비자 수용도
