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Endnote RefWorks Scholar's Aid Excel TXT
Vol.12, No.1, 33 ~ 45, 2009
Differential effects of the valenced content and the interaction with pacing on information processing while watching video clips
This study investigates differential impacts of the positive and negative content and the interaction with pacing, as a structural feature, on information processing while watching televised video clips with moderately intensive emotional tone. College participants watched six positive messages and six negative video clips lasting approximately 60 seconds. Heart rate was used to index attention and skin conductance was used to measure arousal. After all of the stimuli were shown, the participants performed the free recall questionnaire. The result demonstrates, first, positivity superiority on attention in which participants` heart rates were slower during positive content compared to during negative content. Secondly, negativity superiority was shown on free recall memory as participants remembered positive content better than did negative content. The result also manifests the interaction of emotional valence and pacing as the effects of pacing were less for the negatively emotional content compared to those for the positively emotional content. It is suggested that future studies should examine further about the differential and independent functions of positive and negative contents on information processing and the potential interaction with formal features.
Key Words
감성 유인가, 편집속도, 주의, 기억, 각성, 생리적 반응, emotional valence, pacing, arousal, attention, free recall
