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Vol.11, No.4, 531 ~ 541, 2008
A study on the shape of popular container that the university girl students with different Lifestyles are interested in -Focused on basic cosmetic cases-
This study, based on the college life style and the courage to make that the purpose of the design process of finding out the correlation. Chinese students study the life style can be categorized into 4 kinds. The courage to top a crowded bottom with a broad form of courage prefer to be brought down, getting smaller and smaller. Regular and relevant inclination stores are independent of trust. 2 as a whole are crowded with smooth curves and the courage to the asymmetric shape is preferred. Active investment, emphasis on foreign languages, tends to prefer shopping on the Internet were related.3 outstanding courage, just a little crowded in the cylindrical form is preferred. Trust the big stores, stores see the taste, his taste for products that are relevant to the tendency of pursuing said. 4, a lot of the colony gradient technique Protruding prefer to be in the form of courage. Home will, that tends to emphasize the brand and design were related. Home will, that tends to emphasize the brand and design were related. To recap the contents of the consumer lifestyle, based on the characteristics of their favorite cosmetics containers vary designs. Different forms, depending on their courage to feel emotions that can see the image. Therefore, the design in courage cosmetics on the characteristics of these granular for consumer research, the granular form of product research and the relationship between the elements in their care are made. The marketing strategy is in the consumer market, but needs more fine-grained analysis methods that can tell people.
Key Words
라이프스타일, 용기 형태, container shape design, Lifestyles
