Abstract |
The paradigm of a product taking a sudden turn of technical development is due to a change of the needs of diversified user, and this shows that users emphasizes on the value of the sensitivity than the standardized form and usableness of the product, and the value of such a sensitivity can relate to the needs of the product, and it can be filled up eventually by the rapid completion of the product. The creativity will be the most important ability in the future society, it is an added value to all the profession workers which people can use that to increase their competitiveness ability. It is recognized the value of the sensitivity represents the feels psychological aspect of the user and it would be the future design trend, by doing this, products designed would be different from the existing products in the market. I am going to show you that this can be used in the design concept derivation process, there is several core design elements in the product development process, these elements can not only represent the basic user needs but also the user inner unconscious needs, at the same time it keeps the aesthetic concern. |
Key Words |
창의성, 디자인 구성요소, 심미성, sensitivity, creativity, design element, aesthetics element |