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Endnote RefWorks Scholar's Aid Excel TXT
Vol.11, No.1, 91 ~ 105, 2008
Establishing Relationship of Design Aesthetic Elements and Suggestion of Successful Design Process -Focusing on Tennis Shoes-
This study searches for an abstract aesthetic dimension that has an important response to preference by finding products excluded in past studies on aesthetics. Furthermore, the adjective image languages are examined, grouped and examined in order to also take into account the dimensions that are regarded as important for the selected product. Based on this, the preference trends will be inferred and the level of aesthetic dimensions that are import in the product will be found and presented based on its preference to create an accurate objective point. Based on the values of the levels of the aesthetic preference types and aesthetic elements found by this and presenting the preferred types in the design process, the objective of this study is to create designs with small chance of failure. In addition, it attempts to present a new direction for research of aesthetic dimensions.
Key Words
심미성, 선호도, 디자인프로세스, Aesthetics, Preference needs, Design Process
