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Vol.10, No.4, 613 ~ 623, 2007
A Study on Sound Design to Improve Regional Image -Focused on the Jeonju Area-
Recently, sound design is being made by corporations for the production as well as for marketing and web with consideration of image of productions and attributes to improve corporational image through the design of melody which would remain in users. And sound is becoming an important factor to establish the identity of each area such as life environment and public facilities. At present, our local governments are promoting active business like as CIP to improve urban image but there is a limit to establish identity as the result of its partial focus on visual sense or insufficient recognition about it. Jeonju, the place of sound, has many festivals and great meetings related with sound but it has not identity in the sense of sound. So the purpose of this study is to suggest the condition of sound which has the trait of Jeonju and to provide data for the trait to be used as a necessary element to establish identity in order to activate regional image. For the method of research, sampling Korean beautiful 100 sounds among the natural sounds of residents` most favorite as the samples of sound to search the sound of regional image. Selecting favorite samples among them and analyzed the factors through the questionnaire on the image of adjective in each sample. As the result of analysis, it has been shown that the factor of sound to reveal trait of Jeonju is the image of bright, delight, andcozywithconsiderationofharmony, dynamics, contrast, and culture. For this study is to provide data so it can be used to actively establish and identify the local image.
Key Words
사운드 디자인, 전주이미지, 지역아이덴티티, Sound Design, Jeonju Image, Regional Identity
