Is it a Smile or Ridicule? Understanding the Positivity of Smile Emoticons between High and Low Status Teenagers in Online Games
이국희 Guk-hee Lee |
KJSES 24(3) 3-16, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.3 |
Studies have found that people with higher social status pay little attention to other people’s emotions and facial expressions. However, only a few studies have made similar observations on adolescents with high cyberspace social status. Therefore, this study sought to identify how adolescents with different online game character social statuses interpreted the smile emoticons in negative and positive situations, that is, did they perceive the emoticon to be positive (smile, encouragement, and consolation) or negative (derision, ridicule, and sarcasm). In Experiment 1, the participants were separated into three groups; those who had a lower than global average online game character status, those who had the same as the global average, and those who had higher than the global average. The participants were then asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon received in various positive or negative situations. In Experiment 2, the game character levels of the participants were set to be either higher or lower than the others' characters, and they were again asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon received in the positive or negative situations. In Experiment 3, the participants were separated into four groups; lower level than the average game character status (no information on the level of acquaintance’s game character), lower than the average but higher than the character of the other, higher than the average status (no information on the other’s character level), and higher than the average but lower than the character of the other, and asked to judge the meaning of the smile emoticon in positive or negative situations. It was found that when participants had a lower-level character compared to the average, had a lower-level character than the other, and had higher than the average but lower than the other’s character, they interpreted the smile emoticon as derision, ridicule, or sarcasm. However, participants with higher level characters, higher than that of the other, and lower than the average but higher than the other interpreted the emoticon as a smile or consolation. This study was significant because it demonstrated the impact of an adolescent’s social cyberspace status on their online communication.
keyword : Youth, Social status, Online games, Emoticon, Game level, Communication, 청소년, 사회적 지위, 온라인 게임, 이모티콘, 게임 레벨, 의사소통
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Oral Health and Oral Health Behavior as Risk Factors for Depression
이경희 Kyung Hee Lee |
KJSES 24(3) 17-26, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.17 |
This study investigated the association between depression and oral health and the factors influencing depression in adults. Data on 13,199 people (male 5,793, female 7,406; age ≥19 years old) were extracted from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Ⅷ (KNHANES Ⅷ) (2016~2018) and analyzed using frequency, percentage, an x2 test, a T-test, and logistic regression analysis. Depression was defined as either a medical diagnosis or a score ≥10 on Patient Health Questionnaire-9. The probability of depression was found to be statistically different for general characteristics, such as gender, age, school grade, income, and drinking. The logistic regression analysis showed that the independent variables, general health awareness (OR=9.094, 95% CI 7.139∼11.585) and oral health awareness (OR=1.936, 95% CI 1.465∼2.560), were associated with depression, and speaking discomfort, chewing discomfort, oral pain (within 1 year), and prosthesis were found to increase depression probability. The depression probability was also was found to significantly increase by 1.81 times if brushing frequency was less that once a day, if people used dental floss (OR=1.42), and had to have an oral examination (OR=1.31). These results indicated that oral health and oral health behaviors are associated with the depression, with the influencing factors having oral health and behavior-related characteristics. Therefore, proper oral health and oral health risk factor behavior management programs should be developed to assist in reducing depression.
keyword : Depression, Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, PHQ-9, Oral health, Oral health behavior, 우울증, 국민건강영양조사, 우울증 선별도구, 구강건강, 구강 건강관리 행태
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The Effect of Regulatory Focus on Estimating Value of Unfamiliar Currency Owned by Self or Others
임가영 Ga Young Lim , 손영우 Young Woo Sohn , 임혜빈 Hye Bin Rim |
KJSES 24(3) 27-40, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.27 |
Because of self-enhancement motives, when involved in social comparison, many people generally value things that are related to themselves, with the representative example being possessions, which is known as the endowment (ownership) effect. However, there are times when someone else's possessions appear to be better than our own, even if they are the same things, which is known as the endowment effect reversal. The purpose of this study was to explore the moderating variable that regulates the endowment effect and the endowment effect reversal by confirming whether the value estimation of others' belongings differed through a regulatory focus as it was surmised that the regulatory focus would moderate the endowment effect of the self versus the others' ownership. Foreign participants were shown the currency of a country they were unfamiliar with and asked to estimate the value in their home country currency. It was found that when people thought the money was their own, people with a promotion focus estimated the value to be higher than people with a prevention focus. However, when they thought it was someone else's money, the regulatory focus moderating effect was not found to be significant, which suggested that the endowment effect may be strengthened or eliminated depending on the individual's regulatory focus. Based on these study results, the implications, limitations, and suggestions for follow-up studies are discussed.
keyword : Money, Ownership effect, Psychological ownership, Regulatory focus, Self-others, 돈, 소유효과, 심리적 소유, 조절초점, 나-타인
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Effect of Multimodal cues on Tactile Mental Imagery and Attitude-Purchase Intention Towards the Product
이예진 Yea Jin Lee , 한광희 Kwanghee Han |
KJSES 24(3) 41-60, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.41 |
The purpose of this research was to determine whether multimodal cues in an online shopping environment could enhance tactile consumer mental imagery, purchase intentions, and attitudes towards an apparel product. One limitation of online retail is that consumers are unable to physically touch the items. However, as tactile information plays an important role in consumer decisions especially for apparel products, this study investigated the effects of multimodal cues on overcoming the lack of tactile stimuli. In experiment 1, to explore the product, the participants were randomly assigned to four conditions; picture only, video without sound, video with corresponding sound, and video with discordant sound; after which tactile mental imagery vividness, ease of imagination, attitude, and purchase intentions were measured. It was found that the video with discordant sound had the lowest average scores of all dependent variables. A within-participants design was used in experiment 2, in which all participants explored the same product in the four conditions in a random order. They were told that they were visiting four different brands on a price comparison web site. After the same variables as in experiment 1, including the need for touch, were measured, the repeated measures ANCOVA results revealed that compared to the other conditions, the video with the corresponding sound significantly enhanced tactile mental imagery vividness, attitude, and purchase intentions. However, the discordant condition had significantly lower attitudes and purchase intentions. The dual mediation analysis also revealed that the multimodal cue conditions significantly predicted attitudes and purchase intentions by sequentially mediating the imagery vividness and ease of imagination. In sum, vivid tactile mental imagery triggered using audio-visual stimuli could have a positive effect on consumer decision making by making it easier to imagine a situation where consumers could touch and use the product.
keyword : Apparel, E-commerce, Multi-modality, Need for Touch, Tactile mental imagery, Vividness, 의류, 온라인 쇼핑, 다중감각, 촉각 욕구, 촉각적 심상, 심상선명도
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The Effect of Reading Habits in Elementary School Students on Reading Behavior in Middle School Students
한다혜 Dahye Han , 이국희 Guk-hee Lee |
KJSES 24(3) 61-70, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.61 |
Because the educational significance of reading activities for growing children is so great, the importance of reading cannot be overemphasized. While the reading volume of elementary school students in Korea is very high, as they go up to middle school, the reading volume falls rapidly. This study examined a more effective way to resolve this middle school reduction in reading volume. Middle school freshmen were surveyed on their reading habits and preferences in the sixth grade of elementary school, after which the groups were divided into two groups based on their averages; groups with high/low reading habits and groups with high/low reading preferences). Participants also wrote reading reports for six weeks, kept a record of the days of the week they read for more than 20 minutes, and noted down the time they read in minutes. It was found that 75% of participants did not read one book a week when in the sixth grade of elementary school and it was confirmed that reading many books and liking to read were elements that had different dimensions. For example, about 35% of the participants said they liked books but rarely read them. It was also confirmed that the reading habits formed in elementary school were a strong variable that affected the number of days that and the reading time of middle school students rather than the reading preferences formed in elementary school. This study concluded that a subjective attitude toward reading and actually reading were completely different problems, which suggested that ‘habits’ could have a greater influence than ‘preferences’ when performing tasks to achieve goals.
keyword : Reading activity, Reading attitude, Reading education, Reading habits, Preferences, 독서활동, 독서습관, 독서태도, 선호, 독서교육
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Representation of Facial Expressions of Different Ages: A Multidimensional Scaling Study
김종완 Jongwan Kim |
KJSES 24(3) 71-80, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.71 |
Previous studies using facial expressions have revealed valence and arousal as two core dimensions of affective space. However, it remains unknown if the two dimensional structure is consistent across ages. This study investigated affective dimensions using six facial expressions (angry, disgusted, fearful, happy, neutral, and sad) at three ages (young, middle-aged, and old). Several studies previously required participants to directly rate subjective similarity between facial expression pairs. In this study, we collected indirect measures by asking participants to decide if a pair of two stimuli conveyed the same emotions. Multidimensional scaling showed that “angry-disgusted” and “sad-disgusted” pairs are similar at all three ages. In addition, “angry-sad,” “angry-neutral,” “neutral-sad,” and “disgusted-fearful” pairs were similar at old age. When two faces in a pair reflect the same emotion, “sad” was the most inaccurate in old age, suggesting that the ability to recognize “sad” decreases with old age. This study suggested that the general two-core dimension structure is robust across all age groups with the exception of specific emotions.
keyword : Facial expression, Core affect, Multidimensional scaling, 얼굴표현, 중심정서, 다차원척도법
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A Study on the High Sensitivity Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Pad Using E-TEXTILE
연은지 Eun-ji Yeun , 김주용 Joo-yong Kim |
KJSES 24(3) 81-90, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.81 |
EMSCT (Electrical Muscle Stimulation Conductive Textile) is an electrical muscle stimulation pad that can compensate for ease of use and comfort, which are disadvantages of conventional hydrogel pads used in electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). With the concentration with SWCNT (Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube) and the number of impregnation processes, EMSCT was tested by giving conductivity to five fabrics (radirons, neoprene, spandex cushions, poly100%, and vergamo). The padding process with SWCNT was performed, and the alternating current measurement indicated that the most similar alternating current with hydrogel was the Vergamo fabric of SWCNT:=2:1. Furthermore, the usability evaluation of convenience, usability, and psychological satisfaction results in increased usability of EMSCT compared with conventional hydrogel pads.
keyword : Conductive Textile, Electric Muscle Stimulation, Electrical Muscle Stimulation Textile, Electronic Textile, Functional Textile, High-Sensitivity Textile, 전도성 원단, 전기 근육 자극, 전기 근육 자극 원단, 전자 섬유, 기능성 원단, 고감성 원단
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A Study on the Familiarity and Appropriateness of Korean Interpersonal Words
장혜진 Hyejin Jang , 김영근 Youngkeun Kim |
KJSES 24(3) 91-114, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.91 |
The first step of this study is to collect appropriate words from the list of words in the relationship. All vocabularies that are unfamiliar-but capable of guessing the meaning and expressing interpersonal relationships-were collected from three Korean dictionaries. Consequently, a compilation of 2,725 words was created; overlapping words were selected; and 910 words were chosen. Only grammatical forms were found; however, words with similar meanings-or identical meanings-were also found, and a reclassification process was required to reflect this. These procedures were repeated seven times, resulting in a total of 249 words being screened. However, due to the characteristics of this study, the number of words needs to be reduced because the meaning of words is more specific and summarized, and the overall interpersonal aspect is well expressed. Therefore, the process of reclassifying 249 words by their familiarity and appropriateness was subsequently undertaken, and the word with the highest level of familiarity and appropriateness was finally selected.
keyword : Interpersonal Relationship, Interpersonal Words, Familiarity, Appropriateness, 대인관계, 대인관계 단어, 친숙성, 적절성
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Effects of LED on Emotion-Like Feedback of a Single-Eyed Spherical Robot
Eiji Onchi , Natanya Cornet , Seunghee Lee |
KJSES 24(3) 115-124, 2021 DOI : 10.14695/KJSOS.2021.24.3.115 |
Non-verbal communication is important in human interaction. It provides a layer of information that complements the message being transmitted. This type of information is not limited to human speakers. In human- robot communication, increasing the animacy of the robotic agent―by using non-verbal cues―can aid the expression of abstract concepts such as emotions. Considering the physical limitations of artificial agents, robots can use light and movement to express equivalent emotional feedback. This study analyzes the effects of LED and motion animation of a spherical robot on the emotion being expressed by the robot. A within-subjects experiment was conducted at the University of Tsukuba where participants were asked to rate 28 video samples of a robot interacting with a person. The robot displayed different motions with and without light animations. The results indicated that adding LED animations changes the emotional impression of the robot for valence, arousal, and dominance dimensions. Furthermore, people associated various situations according to the robot’s behavior. These stimuli can be used to modulate the intensity of the emotion being expressed and enhance the interaction experience. This paper facilitates the possibility of designing more affective robots in the future, using simple feedback.
keyword : Emotion, LED, Non-Verbal, Robot
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